In The Shadows

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The next morning Harry and Draco had breakfast in The Great Hall, everyone excited for the new year coming closer in only a matter of days. Harry had other things on his mind currently, feeling like he was being stalked all morning.

Harry had left breakfast early, walking outside on the grounds before the rain came.

The grounds were covered in 3ft of snow, the rain promising to ice over the entire castle. The air stung Harry's cheeks, inhaling the harsh breeze. The sky was dark and cloudy, grey snow filled clouds moving in on the horizon.

Harry stuffed his gloved hands in his jacket pockets, on his way back to the castle. He had met Hagrid for some snacks and tea after breakfast, heading back to meet Ron.

Something large and heavy footed snapped a branch beneath it's feet.

Harry whipped his head around at the sound, frozen where he stood. He glared towards the noise, making out a shadowed figure hidden behind a massive tree trunk.


Claws wrapped around the side of the tree trunk, scraping the wood surface.

Harry's eyes went wide with fright, the shadowed figure becoming more clear. "Fenrir!" He hissed under his breath, backing up fast.

"Blimey Harry!" Hagrid steadied Harry after he bumped into his coat, standing there towering over him.

"Hagrid!" Harry yelled, looking back to the large tree. "I just saw..."

Hagrid looked to the tree that Harry was staring at. "Saw who lad?" He looked at him with concern.

Harry looked at the tree in growing confusion. "I thought I saw...he was..." He looked at Hagrid.

"There's nobody there you silly boy, are you alright? Maybe we should go back and talk some more?" Hagrid suggested, worried at how scared Harry looked.

Harry shook his head, if he had any more relaxation tea he wouldn't be able to walk. "No I'm fine...I'll be fine." He furrowed his brow, looking one last time at the massive tree trunk.

"You seemed off when we had tea...barely said anything and you seem worried...sure there's nothing you wish to tell me Harry?" Hagrid asked one more time.

Harry took the notepad out of his pocket. "I'm sorry Hagrid but I have to go, but thanks for the pastries and tea!" He turned to run back up the path, scribbling fiercely on the enchanted parchment as he reached the front doors of the castle.

Shadowed figure spotted in Hogwarts grounds

Shadowed figures might be messing with my mind...thought I saw someone I knew...

Severus had excused himself from his usual morning activities to pay a visit to Azkaban prison. He had questions, concerns, and most of all he needed to understand what happened the night that Lucius used the Cruciatus Curse on his own son.

Narcissa sat by the high up window on the stone bench, peering out of the bars that she looked through every morning. Her shackles clinked around her ankles as she elegantly crossed her leg over her knee.

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