Control Yourself

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Harry showered and got dressed in a big hurry, his mind overwhelmed and his emotions on fire. After Draco stormed out, Harry ran out of his private dorm to find Remus, he didn't know what was going on or how to deal with these new feelings. He skipped breakfast, unable to face anyone until he got answers to what was happening.

Harry stopped short in front of Remus's door, almost smacking into the wall. He knocked several times but there was no answer, after a few more attempts and pacing, he retreated back to his rooms in defeat. His mind was so distracted he didn't notice the body in front of him.


Harry got knocked back by the taller and much larger body he slammed into, groaning as he sat up rubbing his forehead.

"Loitering in the Dungeons?" Severus's deep voice boomed with a slight rudeness to his tone. "Shouldn't you be...with your friends at The Great Hall?" He stood over Harry, raising an unamused black brow.

Harry rolled his eyes with an annoyed growl, forcing himself up on his feet. "Fine I'll leave!" He snapped, turning to walk away back down the darkened corridor.

" fast!" Severus caught hold of Harry by the wrist, catching him before he left. "Come, you're not skipping a meal."

Harry ripped his wrist out of Severus's large hand, scowling. "I'm not going to The Great Hall! I don't want to see anyone!"

Severus glared. "Then you're coming with me to my study, give me anymore attitude and you'll have detention!" He warned sternly, grabbing Harry by the arm.

Harry returned the glare as Severus forced him to follow, tripping over a protruding stone tile as he was half dragged. Why does he want to see me?! I wish I just stayed in my bloody room!!! Last time we talked we...Merlin this is just not my morning!

Severus paid no attention to Harry struggling behind him, bringing him through Slytherin House to unlock his office door. "Don't think I didn't see you at the party last night." He locked the door behind them both. "You're lucky I didn't catch you and Draco."

Harry nervously stuffed his hands in his jean pockets, looking away from Severus. "Are you going to punish me for it? Yell at me? I don't bloody care I have more important shit to worry about!"

Severus was told the news by Remus last night that Harry would be turning, it was the very reason he rushed back to Hogwarts with the intention of talking with Harry, coming home to find his House in a drunken stupor instead. "Enough with the attitude!" He pushed him towards the back end of his office. "Sit!"

Harry plopped down angrily on one of Severus's arm chairs in front of his desk, crossing his arms with a loud huff. "Why am I here?! Just give me the damn detention and let me go!"

Severus moved in front of Harry, sitting on the top of his desk a foot away from him. "You're irritable, body overwhelmed and on fire yes? Can't control your mind either can you?"

Harry swallowed at the close proximity, never used to how intimating Severus's height was. "Why do you care? You haven't spoken to me since you..." He looked away, blushing pink at the memory of their last moments.

Severus stayed quiet for a moment, watching Harry's body language to see how overwhelmed he truly was. "Since I kissed you?"

Harry whipped his head to look at Severus with wide eyes. "You don't have to be forward about it!" His cheeks reddened further at the admission.

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