Bad News and O Sphere's

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Draco waited with Harry for the results of his check up, Seamus came in just as the Healers came in the room with the results of the tests. Seamus sat next to Draco, missing him the last few days they were apart. Draco knew the news wouldn't be good, wishing Madam Pomfrey never made him come.

Draco held Harry and Seamus's hands, all 3 of them waiting patiently as the pair of Healers came in with a clipboard. "Can you talk to us now? Or are you gonna stand around and be useless???"

Harry smacked Draco. "Be nice! They're discussing the results they brought with them."

Draco rubbed the back of his head. "Harry!" He hissed.

"Common Draco play nice." Seamus leaned into Draco with a smile.

Draco sighed. "Sorry, I'm just tired of waiting! It's almost dinner time and I want to get out of here!!!"

"Alright Mr. Malfoy sorry to keep you waiting! We were discussing treatment options." The older man walked over to Draco.

"We have good news and bad news." The assistant Healer spoke, flipping the parchment over on the clipboard.

"Treatment? Does that mean you know what's going on?" Draco looked at Harry and Seamus.

"Yes and no, your magic scan came back and your magic is very weak, have you had any trouble casting charms or spells?" The older man asked.

Draco shook his head. "I've had no issues, what else can you tell me?" Draco snapped in question.

"Well...the attacks you've been experiencing are because the curse was cut off without the user finishing it." The assistant highlighted the info on the parchment, handing it to Draco.

Draco flipped through the pages.

"The good news is we know why it's happening but...the bad news is we can't fix it." The older Healer frowned.

"Why the bloody hell not?!" Draco smacked the clipboard against his lap.

Harry held Draco's hand.

"Because your Father is dead, he was the one who used the Unforgivable Curse yes? The caster is not alive, so we can't have him repeat the spell to stop the attacks." The Healer sighed, a forlorn look on his face.

"There's more...without the ability to have the original spell caster repeat the spell...there's only a 1% chance we can duplicate the correct cast of the Cruciatus Curse, and to subject you to that under the condition that you could die." The assistant explained slowly.

Draco wished this was the one time where he wasn't right, looking down at himself. "So...what does this mean for me?" He looked up at the 2 healers that stood in front of him. "I need your brutal honesty."

Harry squeezed Draco's hand tightly.

Seamus leaned close to Draco, resting his hand on his side.

The older man sniffed, fussing with his mustache for a moment. "Mr. Malfoy there's no easy way to say's the worst part of my job for those who wind up on the 4th floor...but with your health decline and weak magic score well..."

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