Our First fight

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Draco looked everywhere for Harry, desperately trying to find where he had gone to. He didn't care that he was missing classes for the day, urgently searching the castle. After a good 2 hours of looking for Harry, the only place left was the library.

Draco slowly explored the 1st floor of the library. "Harry?" He called out, no response. "Harry?"

"Shhhhhh!!!!" Madam Pince hushed from the front.

Draco winced, continuing to look around. Where is he?!

Harry was hiding in the back of the library, surrounded by the anatomy and sexual health books where nobody would willingly go unless made to.

Draco made his way up to the 2nd floor, listening for any movement. "Harry???" He called out again, trying to be quiet.

Harry gasped under his breath at hearing Draco's voice, climbing onto the sectional. He built a wall of books around himself, leaning down to hide himself.

Draco walked to the very back corner, grimacing at the cover art of the books. "Ugh!" He groaned under his breath, walking further in to see a mountain of books on top of the sectional.

Harry covered his mouth in his hand, hoping Draco would leave. He's such a jerk! Why did he let Hermione do that to him?! What if he doesn't want to be with me now that he's attracted to a girl?!

Draco smirked at the books, taking his wand out. "Well I guess I'll just clean up this mess!" He said loudly.

Harry knocked the books over, a bunch falling to the ground.

Draco sighed. "Why did you crack an egg over my head?" He came closer.

Harry glared.

Draco froze, not coming any further.

"How could I not be mad? You broke the rules!" Harry scowled.

"Rule?" Draco questioned, not able to remember.

"We said with this open relationship that we could stick to Wizard's only! You hooked up with a girl Draco, not just any girl...you let my best friend suck you off!" He hissed, not letting the volume of his voice travel.

Draco clenched his fists tightly. "I'm sorry that I forgot about that, but I don't see why it's such an issue, I still love you and I don't feel any different about you."

Harry scoffed. "It doesn't matter Draco!" Harry stood to his feet. "We made rules and you broke them! Are there any other rules you've broken and haven't told me???" He asked, glaring.

Draco scowled deeply, not about to bring up his little activity with Seamus. "I haven't done anything wrong! Stop being such a jerk!"

"I'm the jerk?! Fine!" Harry took his wand back out, pointing it at Draco.

Draco raised a brow.

"Aqua Eructo!!!" Harry threw a giant stream of water at Draco.

Draco tried to sheild himself. "Protego!!!" He spelled, missing by the very last second. The water threw him an entire shelf back, water soaking the area.

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