Girl Power Part 2

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Draco had crashed up in the boys Slytherin dormitory, waking up in a bed that he didn't recognize. Last night after he spent time with Seamus, Draco snuck through the darkened hallways of the Dungeons in the middle of the night. He made it past Filch and Severus on their night rounds, tiptoeing up to Theodore's bed.


Monday morning 7:00am
...Today is the full moon...


Draco swore he slept next to Theo last night, it was very late but he knew he fell asleep next to a half naked boy. This is not the same bed...not even the same comforter...wait a minute that smell...nail polish!

Draco gasped as his sleepy eyes flew open, suddenly very awake. He looked around FAST in worried panic, unable to move his arms or wrists. "What the fuck?!" He cursed in both anger and shock!

Up above his head were his wrists, his arms held up above him with some sort of glowing silk ribbon that kept both wrists bound together wrapped intricately in a mess of tight bows.

Draco looked down at himself in horror to see himself wearing nothing but a pair of forest green briefs he didn't recognize either. Where did those come from??? I don't own those...why am I so dizzy? My body is weak...He tried to push himself up or tug at his restraints but he had to stop, his muscles shaky as he leaned his head back against the pillow in a frustrated growl.

"Well don't you look stunning."

Draco gasped, weakly pulling his head up to look around, stopping dead ahead when he saw Pansy spread open the curtains of the foot of the bed, the light filtering through illuminating his naked form tied and helpless..

"Why am I in your bed?!" Draco shakily asked in a hoarse shout, he was still waking up from such a heavy slumber. Wait a second! "Pansy...please tell me you didn't drug me."

Pansy smirked down at his pale body, her eyes wandering over every inch of porcelain skin she could see, her vision stopping at the half hard cock hidden under the green cotton. "No drugs my dearest Draco, but I did make sure you couldn't move...hmm well you can a little but not by much."

She laughed at his wide eyed shock, watching his cheeks become very pink! "Half paralyzed in a weak muscled lovely you look so vulnerable and helpless." She whispered the words, leering at him as she got closer, letting the curtains fall closed behind her.

Draco struggled like a mad man the entire time Pansy spoke, watching her slowly undress. He tried and tried to pull free, freezing stiffly in a shout! The ribbon didn't get tighter, it didn't even redden the skin, but it sent painful shocks down his arms that burned down to his armpits. "Ahhhh!!!!!" He threw his head back in a loud stinging groan, forced to stop struggling as he panted through the residual shock to his limbs.

Pansy let the last of her clothes slip off, crawling up onto the foot of the bed on her knees, wearing only her laced black lingerie.

Draco blushed a tinted pink, his eyes exploring her full breasts and curvy waist, refusing to look down any further, looking up at the ribbon to distract himself from the nude Witch in front of him. "For the love of Salazar Pansy put some fucking clothes on!!!" He scowled at her, worsening his own hormonal acceleration, his groin becoming hot and stiff under his foreign briefs. Why is she so naked?! God she's got such big tits...shiiit I'm in so much trouble!!!! Theo where are you?!

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