Cookies and Wolfsbane

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Severus walked slowly down the darkened corridors of the dungeons, forcing himself to keep going further. Remus and Sirius wanted him to spend time with Harry, despite his own feelings of awkwardness and horrible nerves he knocked on Harry's private front door at the end of the dungeon hall.

Harry groaned as he was woken from a deep sleep, Draco's arms splayed over his body. "Dray...Dray wake up! Someone's at the door!" He sat up sleepily, carefully leaning Draco on his side so he didn't disturb him.

Draco moaned in aggravation, shoving his head under his pillow. "The sun isn't even up yet!!!" He whined, muttering rude things into the sheets.

Harry giggled, giving Draco's nude butt a swat playfully. "I'll get it, go back to sleep." He pulled his pajama bottoms on, clumsily walking up to the door.

Severus took a slight step back as he heard footsteps approach.

Harry rubbed the sleep from his eyes with an audible moan of complaint, opening the door.

Severus looked at Harry with wide eyes, quickly turning to face the other way.

Harry blushed horribly as he quickly shut the door. "Sorry!" He yelled out to him, he didn't know it would be Severus on the other side of the knocking, all he had on was his checkered Slytherin pajama pants that clung very low on his hips.

Draco peeked his head out of the shut curtains with a glare. "Who's at the door?! It's 5:30!!!" He snapped, rubbing his face.

Harry ran to the dresser, pulling out an outfit. "Snape is here...and he basically just saw me half naked!" He blushed even further, hopping on one leg as he stuffed his jeans over his thighs.

Draco blushed, closing the curtains. "He's here?!?! Bloody fuck I'm naked in here!" He squeaked.

Harry laughed. "He's outside, I'll go see what he wants, if I'm not back let everyone know at breakfast I'm with Snape." He pulled a black T-shirt over his head, rummaging through the closet for socks and sneakers.

Severus turned back to face Harry as he stepped outside of the room, scowling. "Fully dressed now are we?"

"You're the one who knocked before the sun is even up!" Harry snapped lightly, yawning with a stretch as they started walking.

"You and I are having a private breakfast in my office, the elves are making tea and biscuits." Severus mentioned, not looking back at Harry as they turned a corner.

Harry raised a brow, thinking of why Severus would want to be anywhere near Harry, especially privately. Why does he want me alone like this??? His office?! Dear Merlin...

Severus rolled his eyes at the scattered footsteps behind him, speeding up as they got closer. "Do keep up, silence your feet students are still sleeping!" He scolded.

Harry quickly pulled his wand out to silence his feet, seeing Severus going closer to the Slytherin dormitories. "Snape I don't mean to pry but...why are we having breakfast?"

Severus stopped at Slytherin house, making a few quick turns till they reached the door to his office. "Silence, you'll wake the students up!" He hissed, unlocking the door.

Harry glared at the back of Severus's head, but he walked inside non the less. He had been to Severus's office and personal laboratory many times now, either detention or snooping, but he was glad this time he was actually invited.

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