I'm Watching You

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Harry went for a stroll after lunch was over, knowing Draco had studying to do. There were only a few days left till the new year, classes starting the day after. Everyone was starting to cram and do all their work, cursing their ways of procrastination.

The halls were packed with students running and hanging out in their selective groups. Teachers stayed in their private rooms, enjoying the holidays in their own way.

Severus Snape was making potions in his rooms, his trip to the Ministry of Magic all for not.

Nobody had ever heard of the Unforgivable Curses causing residual attacks.

"Blasted cauldron!" Severus kicked over the burnt batch of Healing potion, taking his anger out on his desk.

A knock interrupted Severus's rage.

Harry normally wouldn't be caught dead near Severus's door, but he was concerned about Draco.

Severus opened the door, raising a brow with a stoic expression. "Mr. Potter why are you knocking on my door?" He asked with a glare.

"Yes erm...well I wanted to talk with you about Draco." Harry nervously fumbled with his tie, not willing to look Severus in the eye.

Severus looked over his shoulder at his messy half beaten work space, his gaze moving back to Harry. "If you have come to inquire about my trip to the Ministry, I came up empty and came back here to make potions in the meantime."

Harry could tell by the glare on Severus's face that he was not wanted. "Guess I'll leave then." He turned to walk away.

"Stay." Severus spoke, turning to walk back into his room. "Come."

Harry slowly walked into Severus's private quarters, shocked at being invited in without any sort of fight. "Snape what did they say when you asked about it?" He curiously poked at a jar that had a black oozing potion inside of it.

Severus smacked Harry's hand. "Touching without asking is a good way to lose a hand." He growled, walking further into his rooms till he entered his laboratory.

Harry hissed at the painful swat, walking into the dark room to discover Severus's private laboratory. "Wow." He stared in awe, seeing potion implements and tools he only saw in the papers or on display in a fancy window for sale.

"Don't touch anything, come." Severus waved his hand to Harry, summoning him further into the dark room.

Harry saw a cauldron that was broken in half, oozing red liquid burning the floor. "What happened?" He asked, taking his handkerchief out.

Severus swiped the handkerchief out of Harry's hand. "Stupid little boy!" He snapped, showing what would have happened if Harry would have tried to wipe up the mess.

Harry watched in horror as Severus dropped a pile of parchment on the spilled substance, watching it burst into flames and curl into black pieces of burnt ash. "Sorry sir..."

"What is it you've come to talk about? Or have you made it your mission to ruin my day?" Severus dryly questioned, sitting on his newly dented desk.

Harry watched Severus effortlessly clean up the mess with his wand, envying the skill. "Sir...I'm worried about Draco. He says he's fine and I know he's survived thus far but...what if these episodes of pain start hurting him? Like causing permanent damage?"

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