I Was Wrong

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Harry limped all the way through the dungeons and up a few floors, making his way to class. He made it in time to Advanced Charms, making it just as Filius Flitwick closed the door.

"Best be on time next time Mr. Potter! You were almost tardy!!!" Filius whacked the back of Harry's Tibia with his wand.

Harry winced slightly as he made his way into the classroom. "Sorry Sir!" He went to the back, seeing Draco sitting with Theo, having no choice but to sit next to Neville up at the front.

"Now as I was saying!" Filius continued.

Neville moved his bag off the class stool, patting it with a smile.

"Thanks Neville." Harry whispered, taking his seat.

"Draco's mad at you." Neville whispered back, leaning close so they could chat without getting in trouble.

"How do you know?" Harry asked.

"Besides the egg incident? This." He handed him a note.

Harry uncrumpled the note, gasping when he saw it.

The note had a spelled doodle on it of Harry being dunked in a big cauldron filled with black oozing slime.

"Where did you get this?!" Harry whispered harshly at Neville, not daring to look behind him.

"I took it from Nott when they walked in, it fell from his book bag...Harry he's very mad." Neville shuddered at the waves of aggravation he could feel coming off of Draco from the back of the classroom.

"Yea...I can feel it from here." Harry swallowed nervously, crumpling the note into a tight ball in his hand. I fucked up...what the hell do I do now?! He looked behind his shoulder, getting a glimpse of Draco laughing with Theodore.

Draco was making paper snakes and spiders with Theodore, having them attack each other until one of them got shredded into tiny little pieces.

Theodore nudged Draco, pointing to something with a whisper.

Draco looked up to see Harry staring, glaring daggers back at him.

Harry's eyes widened at the look he got, turning his head away quickly.

"Harry what are you gonna do?" Neville asked, leaning against Harry for comfort, handing him the textbook for the notes they had to write.

Harry sighed as he opened to the correct page, copying the notes from the front blackboard. "Not sure...but he hasn't looked at me like that since before the war....I'm worried."

"I would be too...I'm here if you need anything." Neville rubbed Harry's back momentarily, going back to the notes for the class.

Harry smiled half-heartedly, quickly jotting down the notes. "Thanks...I might take you up on that later, maybe we can go to the greenhouse later?"

Neville lit up at the mention of the greenhouse. "Sure! I have some things I've been working on that I'd love to show you!"

Harry nodded. "Sounds good, let's finish this before we get in trouble."

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