Meetings and Rewards

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Severus and Remus met at Sirius's cottage, coming together to talk about the upcoming full moon before the school day began. Severus knew from the bite on Harry's ankle that there still could be a chance that he'd turn.

Sirius brought Severus and Remus into his bedroom upstairs, sitting on the couch as they talked about their worries.

"Severus have you kept an eye on Harry? Is he still using the cane?" Sirius asked, pouring tea.

Severus nodded. "I've watched him closely, but no he hasn't used it, it was only for a day or 2 before he started walking normally."

"That doesn't tell us much, if he healed fast it could have just been surface damage, but on the other hand the fast healing could mean the opposite." Remus shrugged, sipping the tea Sirius provided.

Severus growled in annoyance. "The full moon is only a week away! We can't just sit around like this!"

Sirius sighed. "If he turns...that's going to be a very dangerous situation." He set the teapot down, taking his cup to his lips.

"Should I take him with me? I can bring him into the Forbidden Forest when I turn." Remus suggested.

"Oh a great lot that will do!" Severus snapped. "If he doesn't turn and you do, you could make a mistake and hurt him or worse!"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Severus as long as Remus takes his potion he won't hurt Harry! The worst that would happen is Harry would just have to walk out of the forest and back to his room."

Severus glared at Sirius.

Remus took his cloak off, sighing into his hand as he rubbed his face. "I really wish Harry wasn't in this situation...him of all people shouldn't have to go through yet another lifestyle change."

Sirius came to sit between Severus and Remus. "Let's stop bickering for just a moment!" He put his hands on both their knees. "I have some ideas, so shut up and listen."

Severus slapped Sirius's hand away. "Out with it then!"

"Severus you need to spend time with Harry, talk to him and find out how he's feeling about this since the moon is next Monday." Sirius suggested. "He needs support from all of us."

"How is spending time with Potter going to solve anything? He doesn't even like me." Severus narrowed his eyes.

Remus shrugged. "Maybe that's something you should fix Severus, don't be so cold to him, you have no reason to be that way anymore."

"He has a point Sev." Sirius looked at Severus. "Invite him over or take him on a day out, something! Just put away the anger hm?"

Severus glared at Sirius. "I highly doubt that will help, but fine...but if something bad happens I'm blaming you." He shoved him lightly.

Sirius chuckled, knocked into Remus. "Moony can you talk to him as well? Explain what you'd like to do the night before the moon is full? We shouldn't wait till the last minute to spring this on him."

Remus affectionately kissed Sirius's cheek. "Of course Padfoot."

Sirius kissed Remus.

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