Chocolates and Werewolves

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Remus was called to Minerva's office late at night, making his way up the moving stairs. He walked in to find Severus, Hagrid and Poppy sitting in large arm chairs in front of Minerva's desk.

"Evening to all, what is this little get together about?" Remus asked, sitting in the last available arm chair. "Everything alright?" He asked, feeling very concerned at everyone looking so serious.

Minerva sat down at her desk with a sigh. "Remus something has been troubling us...well a few things so let's get to it! Severus can you start?"

Severus shook his head. "Shouldn't we wait for the dog to get here???" He rudely referenced Sirius, not in the mood for pleasantries this late at night.

"I'm here!" Sirius called out from the front door. "Sorry! I lost track of time!" He rushed over, hopping up to sit on the edge of Minerva's desk.

"Very well, now then...Remus are you aware of Draco's condition?" Severus asked, fiddling with his wand between his fingers.

"Only what Minerva told me after Horace spilled the beans, Draco seems to be having reoccurring episodes of pain isn't that right?" He looked at Minerva.

Minerva nodded.

"Yes well it's more complicated then you know Lucius tortured Draco with the Cruciatus Curse." Severus repeated, tired of telling this story. "The Ministry has no answers to why he keeps getting small residual attacks, none of us do...which means he's on a strict damage control potion regiment."

"How least the potions will prevent any physical damage but...that can't last forever eventually the potions will stop having an effect...maybe not for quite a while but..." Remus rambled.

"Yes, yes enough of that!" Severus snapped. "The point being that we are clueless on how to stop it." He showed a small second of concern, hiding it almost immediately. "Do you have any ideas?"

"Not in the slightest but I do have a question." Remus shrugged.

"What is it Remus?" Minerva asked.

"How is Mr. Malfoy functioning under this? Unforgivable Curses are no joke, even the smallest of attacks would render someone useless....but he's walking and talking like nothing is wrong." Remus levitated a book from the shelf, looking through an encyclopedia of counter curses.

"Don't bother." Severus rolled his eyes. "Everyone's looked through every book in the castle this past week."

Sirius glared at Severus. "At least he's trying to help! You're not helping with your sour attitude!"

Severus threw the small pillow from the arm chair at Sirius's head. "Shut it you Mongrel!!! You're only here because Harry is your Godson!"

"Can I interrupt?" Hagrid spoke.

Everyone looked at Hagrid, expectantly waiting for him to begin.

"Let's move on, I had tea with Harry early this morning during breakfast hour and he seemed distracted." Hagrid clasped his hands together in his lap, the chair making squeaking noises from his large weight. "Then after he left, I followed to watch him for a bit."

"Harry has been acting rather odd I must say, rather jumpy!" Poppy interrupted.

"Yes! Quite right." Hagrid agreed. "That's what happened, I ran into him...literally he bumped into me in some sort of frightful fit! I heard him say a name...a name he shouldn't have said."

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