Chapter 22, Lilly's Summer Day

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Sorry I have not updated in a long time. My computer crashed and got caught up in school. Absolutely happy people are reading this and yeah!! So after talking to my friend about new chapters, I have decided to make a chapter about the day in the life of Lilly. Then after this chapter another one will be right up! Thanks. 

Lilly's POV

A few days ago, Kara through a end of the school year party. It was just her, Shawn, Ryan, her brothers, and I. It was really fun and exciting there just watching movies and playing games. But now I am stuck at home watching my little brother and his friend while our parents are at work. 

"Hey guys! do you want to go to the park today?!" I asked. It was a beautiful day out and I thought it would be nice to go outside for some fun.

"Yeah! Lets go!! Can we get ice cream to Lilly?" my little brother Elliot asked. 

"I'll think about it okay? Now go get your shoes on guys." I say.

My brother and his friend Hayden, run into Elliot's room to put their socks and shoes on. I walk to the front door and grab my keys. Soon enough, both boys are out the door and walking down the sidewalk towards the park. We reach the park in no time and the boys head toward the play structure, while I head toward the swings. 

"Excuse me? But may I use the swing next to you?" 

I look up to see Ryan in basketball shorts and a t-shirt. He was sweaty and panting for air.

"No you can't," I jokingly said.

"Oh well I'm taking it anyways." Ryan says placing a kiss on my cheek.

"So why are you all sweaty?" I asked. Just swinging lightly while watching my brother and his friend play.

"Me and some of the guys decided to play some basketball." Ryan spoke pointing towards the basketball courts on the other side of the park.

"That's cool. Did you win?" I say.

"Of course babe." He said with a genuine smile on his face. "Why are you here?"

"Just watching my brother Elliot and his friend play here." I said pointing my head toward the play structure.

"That's hectic. How old is he?" chuckling a bit.

"He's seven. He's sort of a trouble maker but he's a good kid." I said smiling at Ryan.

Elliot and Hayden come running up to us with their fingers positioned into guns.

"Get her!! Get the evil space queen!!" Hayden yells toward me. I look at Ryan and I say

"Follow my lead," I stood up and grabbed Ryan's hand as we ran slowly away from them.

"Get them!" Elliot yells while laughing.

"You will never get us!" I yelled back. Ryan and I ran around and then hid behind some trees. We watched both of them walk by on guard, and then run up behind them to tickle them. 

"hahahaha! okay you got us." Elliot laughed.

"That's right!" I said standing up.

"Lilly, Can we get some ice cream now?" Elliot asked.

"Sure bud, we can. Wanna join us Ryan?" I asked with a smile.

"I would love to."


After ice cream, we waked back to my house. Elliot and Hayden were tired so they headed upstairs to take a nap real quick. Ryan and I went into the living room and started watching TV.

"You having a good day babe?" Ryan asked pulling me closer by putting his arm around my shoulders.

"I am. What about you?" 

"Same here. But now since the little ones are asleep, why don't we go upstairs for our own little fun?" Ryan asked wiggling his eyebrows up and down.

"Uh...NO. I'd rather watch tv with you right now." I said.

"Alright we can do that to." 

We sat there watching Rugrats All Grown UP! on netflix. It was marathon time until my mom walked in with Chinese food in hand,

"Hey mom." I said.

"Hi honey, Hi Ryan. How are you?" 

"I'm good Mrs. May. How about yourself?" Ryan asked looking over the couch to face my mom.

"I'm alright. Lilly, where's Elliot and Hayden?"

"Upstairs taking a nap. We took them to the park." I said walking into the kitchen grabbing plates for food.

"Alright. I'll go wake them up and then we can eat." she said walking out of the kitchen.

"Here you go. Help yourself." I said handing Ryan a plate.

We digged into the food just in time for the boys to come down to eat. We all sat in the living room eating and watching tv. Elliot and Hayden were talking about playing smash bros later tonight, since Hayden would be staying the night again. After dinner, Ryan and I went upstairs to my bedroom. I laid down on my bed while Ryan sat at my computer chair.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked starring up at the ceiling.

"We we could have sex." Ryan said spinning around in my chair.

"No, My mom is here." I bluntly said. I wasn't ready to have sex at all actually.

"Okay well, how about we play a board game?" He asks again.

"Sure. Candy land?" 

"Yep sounds good." He said as we both got up for the game closet. 


After a few hours of Ryan constantly winning, I gave up and went downstairs for food. Ryan followed and we saw my mom in there eating some chips.

"Hey guys, hungry?"

"Yeah, gonna take the rest of the left overs." I said grabbing the carton out of the fridge.

"Yummy. So I have a question for you two?" my mom asked.

"Yeah mom?" I responded setting down at the counter to eat. Ryan was on one of the stools eating.

"So tonight I want to go out and party, will you two watch the young ones? You can stay the night Ryan." My mom said.

I was surprised she would even allow him to stay the night alone with me. Except my brother and his friend of course. 

"Um, yeah that would be fine. If it's okay with Lilly here?" Ryan said looking at me. I nodded my head up and down to say yes. Since my mouth was full of fried rice. 

"Okay then. I will see you two in the morning and no hanky panky alright?" she said while walking out the door.

We both yelled, "We won't!" I turned to look at Ryan and all I could do was laugh. He had a look on his face that meant we can have fun now, but in his mind it wasn't what you thought.

After we put the kids to bed, Ryan and I put a bunch of garbage bags down on the floor of the main hallway. We then put saran wrap between the stair wall and the bathroom door across from the stairs to make a wall, but to leave enough room to slide underneath. We then grabbed a bunch of buckets of water and spilled it all over the garbage bags. 

"Okay. Ready Lilly?" Ryan said grabbing my hand.

"Yep!" I yelled. We sprinted down the hallway then sliding on the garbage bags. We inched closer to the saran wrap, but Ryan forgot to lean back enough so he hit. We kept doing this all night till we got tired. We cleaned it up and put everything away.

"I'm tired Ry. Here are some clothes for you." Handing him my dad's clothes. I went into my room and pulled my hair into a pony tail. I changed into a tank and some short black shorts as well. Ryan came in and we cuddle together on my bed, as sleep overtook both of us. 

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