Chapter 31, Pushing Back Harder

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Kara's Pov

 "Kara get up. We leave in twenty." Colton says leaning his head through my door. There is a lacrosse tournament today and we need to get there by seven thirty. 

I lift my head up off my pillow and stare at my clock. Reading it at 6:10 a.m.. Ugh! I get up and head to the bathroom to relieve myself. I walk back into my room and put on my uniform. Slipping on my black shorts and then a tank. Then putting on my jersey number three. Our jersey are black with a striking blue around the white numbers on them. I grab our teams matching black and blue socks and put them on as well. Who knew guys wanted to match? After getting dressed in my lacrosse gear, I pull my lax bag over my shoulder and walk out. I remember to retrieve a hair tie before I leave my room. 

"Morning sweetie." My dad says. He leans down and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning Dad, everyone ready?" I ask. Sitting my stuff on the couch.

"Almost. Just making some lunch snacks for you guys while we are there." He says to me.


"Landon!! Get your butt out of the bathroom!! I need to use it!" Colton yelled slamming his fist on the bathroom door. 

"Wait your turn little brother!" Landon shouted back. 

Ugh! "Dad? Can I have the car keys to put my gear in the car?" I ask walking over to him with my hand out. He hands me the keys and I walk out the door. 

I open the backseat door and put in my gear in dad's Cadillac CTS-V. Yeah dad likes expensive cars. Placing my stuff in the car, I remember my ipod. I need especially since I am the only girl on the team and in this car. 

I run myself back up the stairs, past colton and Landon yelling at each other. Spotting my ipod on my nightstand next to my bed, I grab it and walk out. 

"Morning Kara." Landon said opening the door.

"Finally! You're such a girl Landon!" Colton exasperates. He pushes himself passed Landon and slams the door shut from frustration. 

"Morning Landon. You coming to the tournament?" I ask.

He gives me a quick hug while muttering his answer. 

"Yes. I gotta make sure my baby sister is ok." He says back. 

I step back from his hug to see him in a pair of denim pants and green shirt that shows the Green Lanterns ring on it. Yeah he loves superheroes. 

"Thanks. But I will be okay." I say back to him.

"Yeah. Alright lets go." Landon says pushing me down the stairs and out to the car. 


After an hour of driving we finally made it to the lacrosse tournament. It was packed with lots of cars and other teams as well. Dad pulled into the parking spot in the parking lot. 

"Alright guys. Here we go." Dad said getting out of the car. I took a deep breathe and stepped outside into the warm air. 

"Come on Kara. We need to check in with the guys." Colton said carrying his gear with him. I followed him with my gear in tow. 

I look around to see some cute guys and some real intimidating ones as well. Colton and I finally reach the check in table and run into some of the guys from our team. 

"Hey guys." I say. 

"Hi. Ready to play?" Ryan asks.

"Sure am. Can't wait to take this thing." Colton says.

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