Chapter 25, Who do you think I get it from?

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Kara's POV

It was Wednesday, which meant that I wasn't grounded anymore and I could hang out with my boyfriend Shawn today! 

Shawn: Hey babe! When do you want to hang out?

Me: How about now?

Shawn: Okay. Be at your house in twenty.

Me: see you soon

I finished my breakfast and went upstairs to brush my teeth. When I finished I looked myself over in the mirror. I was wearing light blue Capri's and a purple t-shirt on. My hair was a little curly today, but it looked great. I finished putting some light make up on when the doorbell rang through the house. I walk down stairs to see Colton opening the door for Shawn to come in. 

"Hey babe, how's it going?" Shawn asked. 

I smiled and said "Pretty good. You?" I then pulled him into a hug.

"Pretty good. I have something I need to tell ya," he said pulling me away to look me more in the eyes, "I can only hang out till 4:30 tonight. Summer lacrosse is starting."

"Oh ok. Well you want to play call of duty?" I asked.

"Sure." He answered.

We played call of duty for the past 3 hours, causing it to be 3:45 in the afternoon. It was definitely fun. Spent most of the time just shooting each other and running around. 

"Alright babe I got to go. Bye." Shawn said and then he was gone. I miss him so much but I know I will see him play with the team again. I closed the door behind him and trotted myself up  the stairs to my room. I reach the top of the stairs to see Colton leaving his room with all his gear.

"Hey Kara. I'm headed out to practice. Landon will be here if you need him." He said walking towards me.

"Okay. When will you get back?" I asked. I didn't want to be home alone with Landon. Especially after what is slutty girlfriend did to me. My black eye was still there but I managed to cover it with make up earlier. 

"About 7:30 and then coach will take us out to food afterwards. So about 8:30 or 9 tonight." He said, it hurt me that he would be gone that long. 

"Kara, it will be alright. Landon didn't hurt you. It was that skank okay? Just relax." He said after placing a kiss on my forehead and walking out the front door. Once he left, I headed into my bedroom and got on to my laptop. I mostly went on Facebook or on youtube. After about an hour and a half of that, I started to get hungry. I went downstairs and quickly made top ramen. Once it was done I sat at the kitchen island counter eating. Landon soon came into the kitchen rummaging through the fridge. He pulled out a Gatorade and a subway sandwich that was there since two days ago. 

"Hows it going?" He asks.

"It's alright. You?" 

"Good. Kara, I wanna talk to you about Kenzie." As soon as she said that stupid girl's name, I turned my gaze from my brother down to my food. Still shovelling bites of noodle in my mouth.

"Please? I'm sorry for what she did. That was stupid." He said.

"Whatever." I responded.

Landon walked over and sat down next to me on one of the stools. He grabbed my face to make me look at him.

"I want you to know, that you will always be my baby sister and no girl in the world can ever make you feel bad, while Colton, Dad, and I are around. Kenzie is a skanky girl and I dumped her the minute I came out of that bathroom." 

I smiled when his words finally sanked into my head. I am glad he didn't take her side at all, and hopefully she gets what she deserves. 

"So do you forgive me?" Landon asked.

"Yeah I forgive ya." I said with a small smile. 

"Good, now would you like to watch a movie together?" He asked. I nodded my head and yelled out "We are so watching Clueless!!" 


Landon and I cuddled up on the couch while we manged to watch Clueless, but also two other movies. Landon decided to choose a scary movie this time and it was The Thing. It was definitely terrifying me to the bone. I squished myself closer to Landon and pulling the blanket up to my eyes. The music was getting pretty dark and scary and soon the monster popped up. A few seconds later, the front door whips open revealing an outline of a person. Causing both Landon and I to jump up and scream.

"Ha ha ha. Guys calm down!"  I fixate my eyes on the figure with the similar voice to realize it's Colton. He just got home from practice.

'Colt man, you scared the crap out of poor Kara here." Landon said smiling while pointing at me.

"Yeah right! I scare both of you." Colton laughed. I looked at Landon and punched him lightly in the arm.

"Whatever dude." Landon said smiling at both of us. Once I calmed myself down, I turned to ask Colton a question.

"How was practice and the Party?"

"It was good. The team is looking great." He said.

"Can't be that good, if I'm not playing." Landon said.

"Man you were holding us back. With Ryan and Danny and Shawn on the team we will so rock it at the tournament  this year." Colton said. He set his gear down near the door before locking it up for the night. 

"You guys are weird." I said rolling my eyes.

"Us? We have an estranged sister who runs off and acts like a weirdo." Colton said.

"Who do you think I get it from? Has to be you guys." I say back.

"Alright lets go to bed guys. I'm beat." Colton said. I walked over and gave him a hug.

"You are the best big brothers I have." I say to both after hugging Landon goodnight.

"We love you to sis." They both said in unison. 

I go upstairs and climb into bed. Soon I'm drifting off to sleep.

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