Chapter 10, The BIG GAME

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This week went by fast to our Friday lacrosse game. We worked our hardest to practice so we could beat the Cardinals today. I especially worked a little bit harder just so i could be able to win over Landon and colton over. So that way i would be able to ask out Kara. Heading into the stadium, i look into the stands to see Colton hugging his sister before joining the team on the field. I looked at her before i headed over and gave her a big smile. 

The other team looked a little bigger than us but we just had to try to beat them.


I was at my brothers' lacrosse game to cheer them on, but i was also there to root on Shawn since i was not able to see him all school week. Shawn looked so cool in his black lacrosse uniform and shorts. He just looked so sexy in it, and i just wanted to kiss him for looking so hot. Lilly came and joined me to watch the game.

"Hey, soo is shawn playing tonight?" Lilly asked poking at my arm.

"Yeah he's number 20, right there." as I pointed to my left towards the bottom of the field. We watched him and cheered for the team as we scored points and when our team was down from the other team scoring.

"Oh My god, Shawn is so hot!!" Lilly shouted.

"Lilly!! I know he is, i just thought that after Sunday and our kiss he would have asked me out or said something to me." I said looking disappointed about it.

"Kara!! Stop acting all sad and stuff. I bet he has a good reason for doing that. Plus he's a guy, they do stuff like this." Lilly said putting her arm over my shoulder. 

The game was a tough one. It was the second half and the score was 9-8 Cardinals. They were beating us by one point. Our team was trying their hardest to beat them. Lilly and i screamed our heads off at them to get pumped them pumped up. Our team was able to even the score in the last five minutes. We just needed them to score one more time and then we just had to hold them to win the game. 

"Come on Lilly we got cheer as loud as we can. Just one more point." I said to her.

In the last minute. Our team gets the ball and Landon is running the ball down the field to their goal. Landon passes it to Colton who passes it to Ryan to Kevin to Shawn who scored it in to the goal in the last three seconds left. Everyone was cheering. Lilly and I jumped up and down together hugging. The team was jumping and hollering about their victory. Lilly and i ran down the bleachers and onto the field. I hugged Colton and Landon, then Ryan pulled me into a hug too. I looked around and saw Shawn so i ran up and gave him a hug too. His arms pulled me into a tight hug. Shawn's arms made me feel so secured and warm. That nothing would ever hurt me. 

He lets go of me as Colton and Landon walk towards us.

"Kara, can you grab our stuff and bring it over here please?" Landon said.

"Why can't you guys get it?" I asked.

"Because i said so Kara, Now go before your grounded." He said. I walked away mumbling at him.


Kara walked off to get her brothers gear while we have a discussion about our deal.

"Looks like we won, I guess that means our deal is good then." Colton said.

"Yeah, and don't worry guys ill take care of her." I said telling the truth.

"Good. Cause if you hurt her or her heart. We will hurt you and the whole team will too." Landon said

I looked at them as saw Kara walk up with their stuff.

"Here's your stuff guys, Now can you carry your bags?" Kara asked.

"Yeah we can lets go guys." Colton said grabbing his back and walking off.

I said goodbye to Kara and told her i needed to talk to her tomorrow about something. Then she was gone. I reach home to find my dad asleep, so i just climb into bed and think about how am i going to do it.

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