Chapter 6, She's to Beautiful for that

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"Chase let go please. I don't know what your talking about?" i said trying to get him to loosen his weight off of me.

"Oh, then lets go into the bedroom here and talk about it." he said pushing me into a bedroom close to the bathroom i was just in. 

Caution... THIS MAYBE A BIT GRAPHIC****** 


Chase pushed me in the bedroom on to the bed. He then locked door to make sure no one would come in on us. I don't want this, this can't be happening. Chase climbs on top of me so that he is sitting on my waist. He starts to kiss me on my neck and face. I start swinging at him and clawing at him that i actually do hit him in the eye. He falls to his side holding his face; I take this chance to get up and head for the door. I struggle for a second and the chase swings his arm around my waist and pulls me back towards the bed. 

"No you don't sweetie!" he shouted. I plop down on the bed and chase starts to pull his belt off and tie my hands with it to the headboard. I struggle and pull with all my might but i can't seem to get free. 

"This should allow us to have some fun without you trying to ruin it." he said taking off his shirt.

"Chase!! Please Stop!! your drunk!!" i shouted. "You don't want to do this!!" 

"Oh but i do Kara. I've wanted to do this for a long time. And now i get the chance. No brothers, No Shawn, Nobody." he said smiling. He bent down towards my body and started to kiss my neck. His hands were roaming my body up my shirt. I hope Shawn realizes that im missing and comes to save me. Anyone really.

His hands start to caress my body. Then he starts to pull at my jeans and down my legs. 

"No Stop!!! Please Stop!!" I shouted. But he kept going.


Kara headed to the bathroom five minutes ago but i haven't seen her since. I make my way to the downstairs bathroom but i don't see her anywhere on the first floor. I ask a few people if they have seen her and all of them said no. But one of them said she saw her go upstairs with Chase. As soon as i heard this, i headed up looking for her. I hope that creep is doing anything to her. Kara is to beautiful and sweet to be taken advantage of. I walk down and check every room upstairs but to no avail she wasn't in any of those rooms. Then i round the corner and hear something.

"No!! Stop please Stop!!" i hear someone say, it sounds like Kara. Then i hear someone yell at her.

"Knock it off!!" and then a loud smack then a cry. I can't believe this guy just hit her. He is so going to pay when i found out who he is. I turn the knob of the door but it doesn't work, he must have locked. I step in front of the door and kick at it a few times till it opens. I step in to find Chase on top of her trying to get her bra off. Kara is tied to the bed with a belt around her hands and her pants are completely off of her. 

"Hey!!Get off of her!!" I shouted as i pushed him off and punched him in the face a few times. I then get up and look towards kara who is crying. I untie her hands and hand her pants to her, holding her. 

"Kara? Are you okay? Did he do anything?" i asked. She kept crying and crying while putting her pants on. I walk over to chase who is sitting up now, "Don't you EVER EVER do anything to her again!! and if you talk or even look at her i will beat the crap out of you!!" I said giving him one more punch in the face. I walk over to Kara and pull her up into my arms. I hold her as tight as i can comforting her as she cries.


Comments anyone? Any good comments? Hope you all liked this chapter. :)

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