Chapter 21, It's Summer Time!

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It was Thursday morning and I got up to get dressed. I put on a pair of dark skinny jeans with some gray ankle boots. Along with a gray long sleeve Fox shirt with black writing on it. I flung my hair up into a messy ponytail and headed downstairs. Dad made pancakes for breakfast this morning. After food my brothers and I headed to school.It was our last day and we were gonna have fun.

"Kara!!" Lilly said running up to me. 

"What Lilly?" I asked. Sitting down at my desk. Everyone in the classroom was staring at us now.

"Did you hear that some of the guys put fire crackers into the boys toilets for senior pranks! It was awesome." Lilly said.

"Wow, That's awesome!" I said smiling with her.

"I can't wait for this day to end and then it will be summer!!" I Lilly exasperated while putting her head on the table.

"It's Ok. It will go by fast! Then you guys can come over for a sleepover!" I said pushing her lightly. 

Mrs. Bayle came in to teach class and went straight to work.

After the bell rang for lunch to be over, I see Richy walk over to me.

"Hey." He said. I look up and smile at him.

"Hey, You excited school is out?" I asked.

"Yeah I am. Are you?"

"I'm ecstatic!! Have any plans for the summer?"

"Not really. Probably gonna hang with friends." 

"That's cool. Well i got to go bye!" I said waving to him and walking to class.

I don't know why Shawn hates that guy, but he's to sweet to do anything wrong. I shook my head to forget about what Shawn said and went to class.



The bell rang and all the students ran out of the classrooms and into the hall. We were yelling and screaming that School was OVER!!!!!

Students filled out of the school and into their cars. I met up with Lilly and Ryan by Shawn's car waiting for him. 

"You guys Ready to party?" Ryan said.

"Yes!!" Lilly and I cheered at the same time.

"Is your dad okay that we are coming over for the night?" Lilly asked.

"Yeah its ok. Landon and Colton talked to him about it and he doesn't mind. He's actually going out for the night." I said.

"That's good. Is he gonna be out all night?" Ryan asked.

"No i don't think so. He may come home around 12 or 1."

"Okay, enough time to get drunk and pass out." Ryan said.

"Whatever Ryan!" I said laughing.

"Stop it you guys. Kara, when is Shawn coming?" Lilly asked.

"I don't know. He said he had to talk to some of his friends and then he will be out." I said looking at Ryan and Lilly leaning up against Shawn's car.

I look over towards the school hoping to see Shawn come out, but instead i see Richy. Richy walks up to me smiling and I walk up to him.

"Hey." Richy says.

"Hi Richy. Hows it going?" I ask.

"Good, just walking to my car." He said pointing to a red SUV a few cars down from us.

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