Chapter 12, Kenzie Wyatt

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After the weekend, the next weekend flew by fast. It was already Thursday and my brother's weren't that suspicous of me dating Shawn. Shawn was really sweet during school. He would walk me to my classes and wait for me outside of them. He sometimes would by me lunch and put his arm around my waist as we walked in the hallways. It was really nice to have a boyfriend. Lilly was a bit jealous but i always told her she was lucky cause she could flirt at whoever she wants to make her feel better. Shawn walked me to third period English when i saw Landon talking to some girl at the end of the hall. They were both leaning against the wall, Landon was smiling and constantly touching her arm. This girl had dark brown hair wavy hair to the middle of her back. She was wearing a pair of relaxed jeans and a white tank top with a loose vest over it. She was smiling at Landon and laughing at maybe his jokes. 

After school, Shawn and i walked to his car in the parking lot holding each other's hands. I lean against his car and we kiss lightly  in the parking lot. I glance over to see Landon walking to his car with the same girl he was talking to earlier. Then i see Colton walk up to us with a smirk on his face.

"Hey guys, Hows it going?" Colton said.

"Pretty good Colt. What's with Landon and that girl?" I asked holding on to Shawn's hand trying to not to make it so suspicious. 

"Kara, knock it off. I already know that you and Shawn are dating." He said nonchalantly. I blinked at him in shock, I look at Shawn and then to colton.

"Since when?" i asked.

"Since Friday after the game. He asked Landon and I if he could date you and we said yes." I said punching Shawn lightly in the arm. I looked at him in disbelief, then I smiled since maybe my brother was actually pretty cool for once. 

"Ok colt. Who is that girl anyways?"

"Oh that's Kenzie Wyatt. She plays softball for the high school. Her and Landon met on Monday when he was late for a class." 

"That's cool. They look like they are into each other." Shawn said looking at them. Landon and Kenzie got into his car and headed out of the parking lot. Colton looks at me and then at Shawn.

"Dude, can you give me a ride home?" Colton asked.

"Yeah, lets go guys." Shawn said as we climbed in to the car. Shawn dropped us off at home and left after i gave him a kiss goodbye. Colton went upstairs to his room to do his homework. I walked upstairs to my room and started my homework as well. I finished my homework at about 10 at night. I left my room and headed for the kitchen for some food. As i passed colton's room, I can see that he is passed out on his bed. I pass Landon's room and he isn't in there. I reach the kitchen and see that Landon is in there getting himself a snack.

"Hey sis." I said lifting his head up smiling at me.

"Hey, saw you with a girl today. What was that about?" I asked making a bowl of cereal.

"Her name is Kenzie. I met her on my way to class on Monday."

"Thats cool. Looks like you guys are getting pretty close huh?" I winked at him playfully.

"Yeah you can say that. I think i may ask her out next week though" he said getting up from the table. "Night Kara see you tomorrow." i said giving me a hug and walking out.

"Night." I said continuing to eat my cereal.

Saturday the lacrosse team had a game out in another city. Lilly came over and we watched movies till they got back. They had won all the games they had so far out of thirteen games, they had won 9 of the games and were undefeated this season. Landon, Colton, Ryan, Dylan, and Shawn were rocking it and no one could stop them.  

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