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"Is it condisered kidnapping if I don't want to go?" Rose crosses her arms over the chest

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"Is it condisered kidnapping if I don't want to go?" Rose crosses her arms over the chest. Jim sighs, putting his hat back on his head, stuffing his box of cigarettes in his jacket pocket.

"I'm the chief, I don't think those rules apply." He sees her face contort, her jaw clenched as she stares off the road. "Look, I know you don't want to do this. Wills already on his way. I'll be right next to you kid, they aren't going to do anything to you. I won't let them. I worried about you Rose." Rose looked up when he said her name. Usually its kid, or Rosie. He rarely says Rose. Rose bites her lip and forces herself to nod. Jim nods thankfully and gets into the truck. Rose feels her breathing quicken but she ignores it getting into the truck.

Rose raises her hand falling back into her nervous habit. She chews on her nail, staring out the window. Jim leans his hand on the hand that's resting on the window cill. He looks over to her and can feel the nervousness coming off her in waves.

"You'll be alright kid." He breaks the silence, pulling into the parking lot. The guard buzzes them in, the gate sliding open. Rose feels her chest tighten when she stares up at the building.

"Last time I was here, I was dragged away into the doorway. My leg was basically broken, and Eleven was screaming my name." Rose says, her eyes trained on the building. Hopper pulls into an empty spot, turning off the car.

"This is a one time thing." He assures her getting out of the car. She sees him stand against the trunk waiting for Will and Joyce to arrive. Rose slams her head back into the seat. She felt foolish. To let this place have so much of a hold over her. To be this terrified.

Rose glances over seeing Joyces car pull in, and park beside them. Joyce smiles at the girl, knocking on the window.

Ross sighs pulling herself together and opening the door. Joyce lays a hand onto her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"You okay?" Her voice was soft. Rose only nods stuffing her hands into her pockets. She walks over by Will. Both of them holding the same look. Will looks up at her, he wasn't expecting for her to ever come.

Rose had her sleeve pushed up so he could see the 009 inked into her arm.

"Hey buddy." Jim says pushing off the car.

"Hi." He says quietly. Jim walks over beside Rose the girls eyes glued to the ground. Will looks over at the girl again. He's never seen her like this. He only knows the funny, intimidating, and girl with superpowers. He's never seen her like this, like a 16 year old girl.

The walls of the lab have gone brown with age. Leaking down like a sickness.

They all stand by the door waiting to be let it. The door buzzes and they can pull it open. As soon as Rose steps in she can feel the silence. Her screams of her younger self echos down the hall.

FREAK ; steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now