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I walked away dejectedly to my car, to say I was hurt is an understatement. I knew that we might not get along at our first meeting but, I didn't think it would this bad.

It technically wasn't our first meeting since we've been family friends for years now, so, that just made everything worse.

To get rejected by the person you love is the worst feeling ever. But, I won't give up. I will try again tomorrow until she accepts me.

I parked in the parking lot and walked into the house hoping I would safely go to my room without seeing either of my parents.

Especially my mom, she would get worried and ask questions of which I didn't want to answer. What would I say? That her daughter in-law has left a bad impression on me on our first meeting?

I sighed and walked down the hallway to my room when I saw my mom coming out of the spare toilet in the hallway. I tried to wipe any sign of worry on my face but it clearly didn't work as she walked towards me, worry etched on her face.

I sometimes feel embarrassed when my mom treats me like a child when I'm the oldest out of four.

"Is everything okay? Did something happen when you went out? You left in a happy mood earlier."

"Mom, I'm fine. I just had a bad encounter with a taxi driver, you know how they are." I lied.

She sighed. "Alhamdulillah since it's just that, may Allah continue to protect you my son. Freshen up and come have dinner."

I nodded and left for my room. Immediately I got in, I called Ibrahim and told him everything. I needed to tell someone otherwise I would explode.

"Seriously bro, who told you it's done that way? How can you just decide to take her home and send her driver away without asking for her consent. I'm sure you haven't forgotten that she's still in school, so it's possible that she didn't even want the arrangement and maybe she's still trying to accept the fact that she's getting married after secondary school. But, you just popped up and spoiled everything. I'm sorry if i'm being harsh but i'm just trying to tell you the truth." He finished off, sighing.

"Now that you put it that way, I understand. She was probably overwhelmed though i was just trying to be nice." Abdulmalik stated, dejectedly.

"I know and I get that you love her. But, it's not done that way. You need to apologize to her when you get to her house."

"Yeah, I was thinking of doing just that."

"Yeah, alright man. I will talk to you later."

"Alright, thank you."


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