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Time moved swiftly, waiting for no one. Today is the naming ceremony of our bundle of joy, I had woken up, feeling ecstatic. I sat on the bed, resting my head on the headboard and watched the love of my life and my happiness, sleep. They were snoring softly, not having a care of what was happening around them; they looked so beautiful and peaceful.

Looking back to the day I was delivered of my baby, I shuddered. I had thought that I'd die that day, the pain was excruciating. I had been having the cramps early in the morning but I didn't tell Abdulmalik because he'd stop me from writing my exam; the last paper of the semester. I couldn't risk that. I had to keep up with the facade that I wasn't feeling any pain.

While I was writing the exam, the pain kept getting worse but I took it all in and focused on acing that paper. I had then decided that enough was enough when the pain got worse, I had then submitted it like that but I had answered most of the questions. I had moved swiftly to the parking lot, saying any supplication that came to my mind.

The ride to the hospital instigated more pain, I had thought I'd die that day. I should have saved the dieing thought for the delivery, the pain was unbearable, but, I had to push it all aside and bring that baby into the world. I had wanted Abdulmalik to be with me while I delivered, but I thought against it, he'd just freak out instead of trying to percify me.

The look on his face when he came into the room to see me was priceless, his face would only show how happy he was without words explaining it. He had hugged me tight, thanking me for a job well done.

He had then placed his head in sujood, thanking Allah. Mom hugged me, crying. I drawed soothing circles on her back, she should be doing that for me instead, but mom can be dramatic sometimes.

After the awwns and picture snapping, he had picked him up, slowly and carefully. He'd then placed his mouth in his right ear and recited the Adhaan and in the left ear, Iqamah. He'd then chewed date and placed it in the baby's mouth. He had named him Abubakar, Baba's namesake, we will be calling him Imran.

I smiled as a recalled the joy in his mother's voice when she was informed of the new addition, she had flown to Zaria the next day with Aisha and Maryam. I hardly saw Imran until it was time to breastfeed him, he was always either with Maryam and Aisha or with his grandmothers.

Dad also came in, but he left after two days, he said he'd attend the naming ceremony. I had told him that there wasn't any need for it, it was a girly thing anyway, he shouldn't be part of it.

But he brushed it off, saying he'd just come and see his grandson and leave on the same day. Brushing the thought away, I turned and saw Abdulmalik staring at me, smiling. When did he get up, I thought.

"Good morning sunshine." He said, pulling me onto the bed after safely tucking Imran in his bed.

"Morning moonshine." I said, grinning.

He laughed, clutching his stomach.

He pulled me close to him, sniffing my hair. He then started tickling me, I started laughing hard, telling him to stop. I then realized that my in-laws are in this house, what if they hear us? I pushed him away, got off the bed and ran out of the room. I could hear him groaning, mumbling how I ruined his morning. I rolled my eyes and made way to my mother's room.

I knocked gently on the door, I was given the permission to enter seconds later. I got in and saw her on the prayer mat, holding a counter. I sat down beside her and said my greetings.

"Morning my dear, how was your night?"

"It was fine Alhamdulillah mum."

I left to his mom's room after we chatted for sometime. I also greeted her and left for the kitchen to have breakfast.

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