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"I missed you too habibi, I'll be back home before you know it."

"I know, but it's still going to be hard with you staying for the weekend. How do you expect me to live for two whole days without you?"

"Habibi, you will be fine in shaa Allah. And besides, I'll be done with all this too, soon. I'm in year two second semester now, remember?"

"I know, I just miss my wife."

"Me too habibi."

"Alright, take care of yourself for me. I'll call you later."

I hung up with a sigh. Abdulmalik can be a bit clingy sometimes, i'm at Zubaida's for the weekend because of the early morning exam that I have. I had just gotten to the house not long ago.

I'm really going to miss him, but, Alhamdulillah that he's all healed up now. He had still refused to tell me the reason behind his accident, I know who my husband is, he always focuses  on whatever he does until he's done with it. So, whatever the reason was, might've been a big one.

Brushing the thought away, I focused my attention on Zubaida, who was bringing in refreshments.

"Amarya(bride), how was your journey?"

I rolled my eyes. "Oh please Zubaida, this is not the first time i'm coming here. So, quit the formalities."

She chuckled. "I know girl, but no matter what, I have to ask that question."

"Fine! It was fine Alhamdulillah."

"I heard you making a phone call while I was in the kitchen, don't tell me it's Abdulmalik."

I nodded my head, grinning.

"You two aren't serious, when did you even leave Kaduna that he's already calling you. Please, concentrate on your exams girl, I know you are intelligent and can answer any question with or without reading but please, do. Tell Abdulmalik to leave you alone."

"Drama queen! So, I can't call my husband just because i'm in your house and writing exams too, right? Don't worry girl, I can handle both."

She smiled. "Alright then. So, how's Ibrahim and his mom?"

"Well, they're fine Alhamdulillah. They're finally coping a lot better. Ibrahim will soon visit, but I don't know when. He says life in Maiduguri sucks, since his best friend isn't with him."

"Aww, I love their friendship. May Allah provide him with a pious wife."

"Aameen ya rabbi, let me pray, eat and read."

"Alright dear."

Done eating and praying, I made my way to the garden and set to read. I really like the view, it is so beautiful. The flowers, colourful trees and all. Zubaida has always been the type that loves colors, I do too. But, having my own garden have never been something of thought for me.

The wind blowing the flowers softly, spreading out scents all over the place, made me close my eyes slowly. My state of serenity was cut short due to Maher Zain's Masha Allah that was coming out softly, from my phone speaker. It was a call from Habiba. I missed this girl so much wallah.

"Hey girl!" I chirped into the phone.

"Sweetie, I missed you so much. How are you doing? Long time."

"Well, I'm fine Alhamdulillah. I have a wonderful husband that takes good care of me, so, what do you expect?"

She chuckled. "Masha Allah dear, May Allah continue to bless your marriage. How's school? Our graduation is coming up by January. I'll finally have time to visit my friend."

"School is fine Alhamdulillah, congratulations. May it be for the best dear. But, I don't know if I'll be able to make it."

"No problem, I know you won't because of school. Mama sends her regards."

"I'm sorry girl, send my regards to her too. I'm looking forward to your visit."

"Me too girl, I'll talk to you later."

I hung up with a smile. I really missed her and our friendship days, I had wanted to call her yesterday, but I forgot. I can't believe she's graduating. Time definitely waits for no one.

I can't wait to finally see her. Brushing the thought away, I concentrated on my physics handout. We have it around 8am, it might be tough, but Allah will see us through in shaa Allah.

And now, as I lay my head on the bed to sleep after isha prayer, I couldn't help but think of how it's going to be. I don't know why I feel nervous all of a sudden, but I'll overcome it in shaa Allah.


The morning came swiftly, it was that time of the month where we have longer days and shorter nights. I got off the bed, got into the bathroom, did my morning routine and performed ablution.

I then spread my prayer mat and offered my morning prayers. Done praying, I changed into an ankara flay gown and wore my hijab. I took my hand bag, wore my flat shoes, took my phone and exited the room.

I met Zubaida coming out of the kitchen with a tray of food, which is obviously mine. I smiled and greeted her. After exchanging pleasantries, I dropped the tray that I had already collected from her on the dinning table. I sat down and set to eat.

Done eating, I bade Zubaida goodbye, took my car keys and left for school. I parked in the schools parking lot and exited the car. The time was seven thirty, i'm sure everyone is in the hall already. I quickly moved towards the hall, dropped my bag, picked my equipments and got in.

Seated, I said a prayer and focused on the paper in front me. The questions aren't what I expected it to be, they're kind of simple. Alhamdulillah.

We finished the exam in no time, it was a one hour paper after all. I met my course met, Stephanie, outside the hall. She had wanted to see me before the exams started but didn't get the chance to, considering the fact that I live miles away from her and I always leave the school immediately after lectures, so as not to be late before I get home.

"Hey Zainab, how are you? Long time. I've been meaning to see you but I didn't get the chance to, since you are always running off to go to your husband after lectures."

I laughed. "Well, do I have a choice? So, what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

"It was about the physics paper, I had wanted you to teach some equations. How was the paper anyway?"

"Eyyah, I'm so sorry for that. The paper was good Alhamdulillah. May we get good results."

"Amen my dear. Let me get going, my brother in-law is coming to visit today."

"Oh okay, I'll see you tomorrow then."

We got into our cars and drove away.

Back at home, I ate lunch and chatted with Zubaida. She left afterwards to visit a friend. I was washing dishes when my phone started ringing, it was Abdulmalik.

"Habibi!" I shrieked into the phone.

I could imagine him moving the phone away from his ears and rolling his eyes.

"Habibty, why do you sound so energetic?"

"Habibi the paper wasn't that hard wallah, I answered each and every question religiously."

"Masha Allah wifey, my one and only intelligent queen. Barakallah feeki. Keep it up."

"Thank you,"

"I miss you so much, the house is so boring and awful without you."

"I know, right? I missed you too. Don't worry, I'll be back on Monday in shaa Allah."

He sighed. "I know sweetie, I love you. I'll talk to you later. I need to go and get lunch."

"I love you too. This will all be over, soon."

"In shaa Allah."

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