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The first and main event was supposed to start today, which is kalimbo but mum said it wouldn't be done because it has been long since anyone did it and it is also a means of, well, 'stealing or robbery' for the girls. Besides, it isn't done anymore and there was no any need for it.

Kalimbo used to be a week long activity, organized by the bride's friends to raise funds. They would wear their best clothes, apply local scents (kaàji), wear beautiful henna (nnalle) and assemble on the street before the bride's house with a pestle and mortar (kurrà) (karimowa). They would be chanting and singing different songs while pounding henna in the mortar.

Unfortunately, I have forgotten the songs they sing, mum sang it to us a million times but we couldn't grab it. But she said the song is a message to the guys. When zairowa (guys) are passing by, the girls (kla yask3), will barricade them with the pestle, insisting they give them some money, while they continue chanting.

The guys, to avoid embarrassment, because most of the time their girlfriends are among or are likely to hear about it, would give their contribution and move on.

This way, the girls raise the money to fund their activities in the wedding. When mum told us about this, the first thing that came to my mind was broad daylight robbery was started by women.

So in the absence of kalimbo, wushe wushe will be done.

Wushe wushe is a procession organized by the bride's family, where the groom and his relatives dash over to the bride's family who are also set for the show. Dongashe, jene klabe and kuguna karibe are what the women wear for the occasion.

They add flavor and color to the ganga kura procession, led side by side by the different anxiety soiled bride and groom supported by family from behind them.

Bauer, evenly made of black and blue colours side by side, is adorned by a red cap atop, dara. Whereas, jene klabe or lapaya is it's equivalent for females, it also goes for the dressing code of the event.

One doesn't know which moment of it is most entertaining, most awe striking, most memorable. Is it the famous, almighty ganga kura or the outrageous array of dance being displayed.

Algaita, trumpet, buruji, ganga, drums and drumsticks are wildly 'deployed' in the field, where everyone gathers for the rest of the night. Different music are played in batches as coordinated and directed by the master of the event who is either the bride's brother or sister.

And before anyone knows, Amina rawaram, a famous, talented, one in a generation kanuri musician's song will be 'unleashed' into the air to make the event even wilder.

Besides the entertainment, wushe wushe means to tell the groom and the bride: wushe-meaning well done. Well done for daring to get along, well done for finally graduating from the zairo (bachelorhood) stage.

They then receive beit3, meaning admonition. Both the groom and the bride will then be given 'professional' advices on how to live a happy married life in the lyrics of the songs.


Maiduguri's most famous make up artist, assede beauty, was called to 'beat' my face and the makeup is flawless I tell you. When she was done with the makeup, she asked me to wear my clothes because I was in a bathrobe then.

I got into my closet and wore my blue and black dongashe skirt and blouse embedded with multicolored stones all over the blouse.

It looked so beautiful on me, I went back to her and she helped me with tying my white lapaya. After tying it, I wore my black wedge shoes by foschini and took my black clutch purse by foschini.

I stood in front of my floor length mirror and admired myself, I looked so beautiful Masha Allah. I snapped pictures and then gave the phone to the makeup artist to snap me.

She snapped me with her camera afterwards and then opened room door for me to go out, she had closed it earlier on because of the way people were trooping in to watch the makeup being done.

Immediately I came out of the room, all I could hear was 'Masha Allah', 'you look ravishing' and the likes. After the multiple picture snapping, I was ushered into the car along side my 'friends', more like my annoying cousins.

Habiba couldn't make it to Maiduguri because she had an exam to write; jamb. I was so sad she couldn't make it, so was she. But, we don't have a choice, do we?

We reached the event center in no time, it was beautifully decorated with the right colors. My cousins are wearing a white and black dongashe which really complimented my outfit, they looked so beautiful Masha Allah. The MC had announced our arrival, so we moved into the hall, well my friends did first.

The famous ganga kura was being 'drumed' before they got in, so they danced to the tune as they got into the hall, I was following them closely behind. I got in last, a soft tune was being played for me, so I walked in according to the tune.

I was led into my sit and my veil was opened for me, that was when I noticed the decorations of the hall, words are not enough to explain how beautiful it looks. Before I could comprehend anything else, the scent of kaàji hit my nose, oh my, I am so blessed.

The kasko was kept a little bit far away from me. And then the event started, drums were being played, people danced, pleasantries were exchanged, tears were shed, food was eaten and most of all, money was being sprayed.

Words are not enough to explain how everything looked, you have to see it for yourself, oh my!

My parents really outdone themselves.


The event ended by 7pm, everyone was talking about how great the event was, the gossipers were not left out too.

Most people were dissapointed because the groom did not make it to the event and it is a must for the groom to be present at wushe wushe but mine was different.

Anyway, I would not bother myself with that now, Allah has already ordained everything to happen that way, who are we to judge his actions.

I thank almighty Allah for sparing our lives to witness this and may HE spare our lives to witness the rest, Ameen.


I went straight to my room immediately I got into the house, I removed the clothes and folded them neatly and kept them in the closet.

I moved straight to the bathroom, had a long bath and performed ablution. I came out, cleaned my body and wore a light gown.

I sprayed my prayer mat and said the takbir. After praying, I called Fannah on phone and told her to bring food for me because I couldn't eat at the event, not with the way people's eyes were on me.

She came in two minutes later with my favorite meal, masa (rice cake) with a drink and water.

I finished my meal in no time and washed my hands, she took the plate out and left after wishing me a good night. I changed into my nighties and lay on the bed, I was about to close my eyes when I heard my phone ring.

Who is this at hour?

I checked the phone and saw it was a call from Abdulmalik.

I will call him tomorrow, I thought.

I switched off the phone completely and lay down because if there is anything I hate, is my sleep being disturbed.

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