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"Shh, it's okay baby. Mom will soon be home." I said, trying to cajole Imran.

I sighed and placed him in his bed immediately he closed his eyes, I stroked his back slowly until he drifted into a peaceful slumber. Covering him, I sat on my bed and placed my head on the headboard. I had been taking care of Imran ever since Zainab resumed school, it wasn't easy for me at all.

Though, the old woman I hired for her is still around, she does most of the work while I'm at work. Well, she had to be around, Zainab resumed school a week after the naming ceremony, that's exactly two weeks after she gave birth. It was so tiring for her, she'd mostly come back home, complaining of back pain and headache.

I would then massage her body for her until she falls asleep. She doesn't sleep very well these days, when I wake up around two o'clock to pray tahajjud, I'd see her reading. It was the last year of her schooling and they were writing the first semester exam. These past six months hadn't been easy on her, they were either working on a project or writing a test.

But, Alhamdulillah, everything is finally coming to an end. I adjusted my seating position and smiled as I recalled the new development, the mosque and borehole have been built. The project was finished a week ago, it will be opened today. I had told those people that knew I had done it not to tell anybody, it was sadaqatul jaariya after all; in my father's name.

Alhamdulillah, he'd be getting more and more rewards in shaa Allah. The zuhr prayer will be conducted there today and I wanted to be there. I wiped a lone tear and got up to have a shower. Done showering, I got dressed in my kaftan and called Inna, the old woman, to come and take Imran to the living room where she'd hear him when he wakes up.

After taking him out, I locked my room and left for the mosque. The place wasn't far, I reached it in thirty minutes. I parked my car in the shed and got out, I marveled at the sight before me. They really did a great job here, having removed my shoes, I stepped into the masjid with my right foot.

The interior decoration is way better than the outer one and they built it just like I requested; spacious. I waved my hand in dismissal as the imam approached me, he smiled and bowed down slightly before heading outside. I didn't build this so that they could thank me, I built it as sadaqatul jaariya in my dad's name. Which i'm sure of, in shaa Allah, is in a better place.

I found a spot, sat down and folded my legs. The prayer will start in three minutes time, I did some supplications to beat up time. The imam came in, started the iqama and proceeded to lead the salah.

We finished offering our prayers in eight minutes, I stepped outside and stretched my body, yawning. I was about to move towards my car when some group of men approached me.

"Assalamu alaikum sir, we know that you didn't want us to thank you for what you did for us but we have to. Nobody had ever thought of doing this, not even the government. They always come here, giving us fake promises and what happens at the end of the day, they just disappear. When I heard that someone was building a mosque for us, I didn't believe it. I had to see it for myself. We never thought this day would come, but, it did. Thank you sir." One of them spoke.

I sighed. "But, why didn't you try, I don't know, building one yourself? I mean, you could do that by gathering some money amongst yourselves."

"We tried to do that sir, but, we didn't make much out of it, so, we gave back the money to their owners." The man next to him confirmed.

"I see, may Allah make it easy for you all."

"Aameen ya rabbi sir."

"Alright, I'll take my leave."

"Okay sir."

I got into my car and drove to a nearby restaurant to eat. I've already gotten used to it now, Zainab isn't always around and I didn't want to eat inna's food, she's not a bad cook, I just don't like her cooking.

Zainab should be home any minute from now, she left the house around six o'clock for a ten o'clock exam. I'm sure she's on her way back home now.

Done eating, I paid the bill and left for home. I stopped at a store and got some toys for Imran. Back home, I parked my car at the parking lot and exited it. Imran crawled to me, clapping his hands and giggling. I picked him up and kissed his cheek, he had started practicing walking too, though he isn't fully. But, it was kind of fast for a eight months old baby.

I'm sure he'd be fully walking by nine months, may we live to see that moment. He had been having milk formula growing up, Zainab didn't have the time to breastfeed him. She only does that when she wasn't having an exam.

When I ask her to breastfeed him after coming back from school, she'd say that she was tired. Even with the lack of proper breastfeeding, he still looked healthy and pompous.

I brushed the thought away and moved into the living room. Inna greeted me and left for her room afterwards, she always does that. It's like she's afraid of us or something, I have told her that she was free to sit and watch the television even if I was at home. But, she declined, saying she cannot do that.

I watched in awe as Imran tried to walk, he fell down and started crying seconds after. He always does that repeatedly. I picked him up and placed him on my shoulder after his cries died down, I gave him the toys I brought for him. He giggled and kept throwing his hands in the air. I smiled and placed the toys before him, he kept making baby sounds and hitting the toys on the tiles; oh my poor money.

Minutes later, Zainab came back. I picked Imran and met her outside, he bolted out of my hands immediately he saw her. She moved swiftly towards him and picked him up, kissing him on the cheeks.

She moved towards me, kissed and hugged me.

"How's my king doing?" She asked, smiling.

"Well, he's holding up until his queen fully returns."

She chuckled. "Don't worry sweetie, I only have six months left until graduation. I'll be with you day and night."

"For some days, before you start working, even though I didn't like the idea of working at first. But, after what you have been through, throughout these years, I wouldn't stop you from working, you need to earn all that you've been through."

She hugged me. "Oh my God, habibi you have no idea how happy you have just made me. Seriously, I never even thought of working, because, in my mind, I had already figured that you wouldn't let me. But, I was wrong, again. Thank you so much my love."

"Don't mention sweetie, you know I'd always support you on the right thing no matter what. Now, hand over this handsome boy of yours, go and have a shower and join us at the garden."

"And that is exactly what I'll do."

She handed Imran over to me and left. We moved towards the garden with his toys. I spread a little carpet on the grass carpeted floor and placed him on it.

Minutes later, Zainab also joined us looking cute in a floral knee length gown. I'm so lucky to have this woman as my wife wallah. She picked Imran up and placed him on her laps, stroking his cheeks softly. He giggled. She proceeded to breastfeed him, stroking his hair at the same time.

"Okay, I'm jealous. How can he get all the love? What of me?"

She chuckled. "Seriously habibi, he hasn't gotten enough motherly love for the past eight months, at least allow him to enjoy this one in peace."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine! You are right, but, make sure to leave some for me. So, how was the paper?"

"Well, it was good Alhamdulillah, we tried our best. We are hoping for a good result."

"You would get it in shaa Allah wifey, may Allah see you through it all."

"Aameen ya rabbi habibi, Zubaida sends her regards."

"Tell her I said hi when next you meet."

"I will, in shaa Allah."

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