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I squinted my eyes open due to the bright light, raising my hand, I felt a sting of pain, I put it down with a grunt. Where am I? Tilting my head to the side, I saw Zainab sleeping on a couch, peacefully. I smiled. I took in the view of the room, it was then I noticed that I was in a hospital. The events of yesterday's happening came back to me.

I was on my way back from my friends place when a thought got into my mind, the thought of how our relationship is drifting apart ever since Zainab started schooling. I can't remember when last we had a meal together, she doesn't have time for me anymore and her head is always buried in her books.

As for cooking, I can't remember when last I had hers, the whole thing is just so frustrating.

Sometimes I regret allowing her to further her studies, but then, I had already promised her parents and I didn't want to break it.

I didn't realize that I was deep in thought until I tried to hit an old woman, in other to prevent that from happening, I stepped on the brake-paddle; hard. Resulting in a loud squeak, I inturn, hit my body hard on the dashboard because I forgot to put on the seat belt.

People rushed towards my car, shouting. Raising up my head, I saw smoke coming out of the car bonnet. A man rushed and opened the car door, asking me to get out of the car because of the smoke.

I tried to move but my leg was stuck, tired of me wasting his time, the man literally dragged me out of the car, fracturing my leg in the process.

I had to call Ahmad later on to come pick me up, I didn't remember anything after then, I guess I became unconscious. I didn't want to think that my wife is the reason why I had an accident but I couldn't, she literally is the reason.

I turned my gaze towards her, taking in the marvelous beauty before me. Was she here all night? I really missed her.

She shifted in her sleep, opening her eyes slowly, the smile on her lips not wavering.

"Habibi." She called my name softly, walking towards me.

I smiled. "Habibty."

She sat beside me and took her hand in mine. She bent over and kissed me on the forehead, brushing my hair softly. I closed my eyes, taking in the pleasure. I really missed her.

"How are you feeling now habibi?" She asked, caressing my eyebrows.

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah habibty, just a little pain here and there."

"May Allah grant you shifa my love."

"Aameen ya rabbi wifey. What time is it?"


"God! I'm late for salah. Ya ilahi, help me up, so I can perform wudu."

She helped me perform wudu. Done praying, she served me breakfast. She fed me even though I insisted on doing it myself.

The doctor came in after a while. After examining my leg, he explained that it will take a few weeks to heal and it will also take some months before I will feel completely normal. I just need to go for follow ups.

He left after he made sure that the nurse brought my morning medications. Done taking my drugs, Zainab sat on the bed and placed my head on her laps, caressing my hair. Some minutes later, we heard a knock on the door, it was Ahmad and his wife.

"I can see you are fully okay now, huh?" He asked, smirked.

I rolled my eyes, Zainab giggled and got up after placing a pillow on the bed and positioned me on it. We chatted for a while, enjoying the moment. They left zuhr prayer, promising to come back tomorrow.

I had told Fatima not to tell anyone at home because I know they'll be worried sick and probably fly all the way here and I wouldn't want that to happen.

My mind drifted back to Baba, so this was how he felt when he had an accident. Though mine is minor, but I still feel a lot of pain. I sent a silent prayer to him.

Ibrahim is getting better Alhamdulillah, he is getting over the death now, even though he isn't his full self yet. I miss my best friend but he'll eventually get over it in shaa Allah. Mama. She still feel pain in her legs but it is mild. She's also not completely over it but her condition is better than Ibrahim's. I really missed them.

I wiped a lone tear and turned to look at Zainab, she just came out of the bathroom after performing ablution for Asr prayer. She smiled at me, that charming smile of hers that melts my heart away.

Wait! Her school. Doesn't she have lectures today?

"Habibty, don't you have lectures today?" I asked, immediately after we were done praying.

"No habibty, even if I had, I wouldn't have gone because I can't leave you here. I wouldn't even concentrate habibi. You are much more important to me."

I smiled. "I really missed you habibty, ever since you started schooling, you haven't had time for me."

"I know, but we don't have a choice and in shaa Allah, before you know it, it'll all be over. So, stop worrying yourself, okay?"

"Alright dear, come here."

I hugged her tight with my other hand, we stayed like that for God knows how long, until we heard a knock on the door. Zainab broke the hug and opened the door.

It was the doctor, he came to check up on me. He always checks up on me three times a day. After the check up, he advised me on allowing my hand to rest very well and not moving my leg too much.

After he left, we had a long conversation with Zainab on how we would cope with the new change in our lives. We ended the conversation on a good note and called it a night.

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