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Tears. Tears were what have been streaming down my face ever since we had 'the talk' with mum last night. I can still remember the conversation we had and how she fought the urge not to cry but she failed. My mother literally cried in my presence, her single tear intensified mine.

I had already started sleeping yesterday when someone tapped me on the shoulder softly. I slept early due to the stress I went through. I was taken to my father's side of the family to greet them. I was then taken to my inlaws.

My mother in-law is so nice and calm and she doesn't seem like all those wicked inlaws, who would disturb the peace of their son's wives. Though I already knew that since we've met quite a few times before I married Abdulmalik and she is my mum's friend too. Not really a close friend though.

I was then brought back home for a nasiha from my parents. My father ran away, I mean, he literally did. He said he couldn't do it. He didn't know if he was strong enough to do it. He said he knew who his daughter was and she would never disappoint him. I would always be in his prayers just like I've always been. A lone tear escaped from my eyes when Aunt Yagana told me.

Mum didn't call me too, so I concluded she was also scared. But when she woke me up yesterday, I knew that it was over, what I've been dreading is going to happen.

I opened my eyes to see who it was that was disturbing my peaceful sleep. The pair of eyes staring back at mine made me to sit up abruptly. It was mum and Aunt Yagana. They both smiled at me. I returned the gesture.

Aunt Yagana motioned to me with her hands to get down. I did. There was a long awkward silence before mum cleared her throat. She began.

"Zainab, my daughter. If it were deemed unnecessary to give you this advice because of noble manners and decency, then it would have been unnecessary for you, because you possess these qualities. But it is going to serve as a reminder for you. My daughter, if women were able to live without a husband by virtue of her father's wealth and her need for her father, then you of all people would be most able to live without a husband but women were created for men just as men were created for them.

You are about to leave the home in which you grew up in, where you first learned to walk, to go to a place you do not know, to a companion of whom you are unfamiliar with. By marrying you, he has become a master over you, so be like a servant to him and he will be like a servant to you. Be content in his company, listen and obey him. For contentment brings peace of mind and listening to and obeying one's husband pleases Allah (SWA).

Make sure you smell good and look good. He should not see anything ugly in you and he should not smell anything but a pleasant smell from you. Khol is the best kind of beautification to be found and water is better than the rarest perfume.

Prepare his food on time and keep quiet when he is asleep, for raging hunger is like a burning flame and disturbing his sleep will make him angry. Take care of his family members as though they are yours, take care of his children and his wealth. For taking care of his wealth, shows that you appreciate him, taking care of his family members and children shows good manners and management.

Never disclose any of his secret and never disobey his orders. For if you disclose any of his secrets, you will never feel safe from his possible betrayal and if you disobey him, his heart will be with hatred towards you.

Be careful of showing joy in front of him when he is upset and do not show sorrow in front of him when he is happy. Because the former shows lack of judgement whilst the latter will make him unhappy. Show him honor and respect as much as you can, and agree with him as much as you can, so that he will enjoy your companionship and conversation.

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