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Hurt was what I felt this morning after mom narrated to me what happened yesterday while I was away. I had slept over at Ibrahim's, consoling him. Baba's death really affected us, he was a good man. He considered everyone as his, he never differentiated me from his children.

Mama, I was surprised when I saw her calm yesterday, she was even saying that she saw the woman who stole my heart. She was smiling, I got confused and asked Ibrahim after I had offered my condolences. He broke down, crying profusely. He said mama hadn't cried ever since she was told the news, she had an expressionless face then. And up until now, she hadn't cried.

I had gone back to convince her to let it out but she said she wanted to be alone, I had no choice but to let her be. Brushing the thought away and wiping a lone tear, I made my way to my old room. I needed to sort things out, I just don't get it anymore.

Zainab, insulted my mother, I still can't believe this. She might be an angry person, who doesn't think before speaking when being provoked but she will never insult my mother or anybody else's. I can give her that, I trust her with that.

But then again, mom won't lie to me, what is going on? I sighed in frustration when I remembered our conversation yesterday, so she took it seriously. I only told her that, so she can stop disturbing me, but she bought it. She even slapped Maryam for God's sake. Maryam gave me a silly reason as to why she slapped her which I didn't believe and intend to find out from Zainab herself, because one thing I love about her is, she never lies to me.

But I don't understand Maryam these days, she had been having mood swings, snapping at little things. And whenever I call her, she's always at home, I always wondered why she wasn't at her husband's. And even when I came back this morning, she was still around, Aisha wasn't. Something is definitely wrong somewhere, I'll find out in shaa Allah. But, first, let me deal with this matter once and for all.

I knocked on the door, it was opened some minutes later. The most beautiful woman stood right in front of me, glowing like the sun, her charming smile melting my heart.

"Habibi!" She shrieked and hugged me.

I chuckled. "Habibty, how are you?"

"I'm fine habibi but I missed you so much. How's Ibrahim holding up?"

"Well, quite well. So, what happened yesterday?" I asked, looking at everywhere but her.

She bowed her head down, is it true? Did she really insult mom? God, please, this shouldn't be true. I looked up, only to see her crying. I quickly sat down beside her, wiped her tears and urged her to explain by nodding my head. She then told me everything, hiccuping. But I can't believe this, how can mom watch Maryam insult Zainab's mother without her intervening.

"Habibty are you telling me the truth? Are sure mom didn't try to stop Maryam from insulting your mom?Tell me the truth, don't lie to me."

"Wallahi habibi i'm not lying, I'm telling you the truth bill haq. I was also surprised as to why mama didn't try to stop her."

I sighed. "We are having a meeting now, wear your hijab and meet us in mom's living room."

"Okay habibi."

Ten minutes later, we were all gathered in the living room, excluding the boys. I cleared my throat and began.

"Assalamu alaikum everyone, good morning. You all know why I gathered all of us here, but I'll say it once again. I gathered us here to solve one problem that has been disturbing me for a long time now. The pregnancy issue. You and I all know that Allah grants children not us human beings, and if he didn't at all, he has his reasons. If he did grant us, after a long time, then that's the best time for us. Everyone's qadr had already been planned and nobody can escape it. Aisha and Maryam, I'm disappointed in you, how is it your business if my wife isn't pregnant? Is it her fault? I'm sure you know the answer to the question. Then why are you all worked up about it? Aisha I thought you had some sense in that brain of yours, couldn't you have talked to your younger sister? I'm really disappointed in you. Mom, with all due respect, I'm really surprised and also disappointed. As much as I don't want to say this, but you lied to me mom, you said she insulted you, calling you names and she almost slapped you, of which none happened. She was merely protecting her mother's dignity of which you didn't stop from happening. Mom, I'm not siding with Zainab, no, I'm siding with the truth. Zainab may not have called you for a long time but believe me when I tell you that she always picks her phone to call you, but ends up not dialling it because she was afraid of what you might say regarding the pregnancy issue. She then breaks down, crying profusely the whole day. She loves you mom, she really does, she's just afraid of you. Please give her a chance, all of you, try to patch things up with her. As for pregnancy, pray for her, not taunt her, please. I hope i'm understood and mom, I'm sorry If what I said hurt you." I finished off, watching their faces.

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