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"The baby is fine Masha Allah, it's in the right position. He/she is sure going to be a big baby. Are you sure you don't want to know the sex of the baby?" Asked, Dr. Aisha Alhassan.

"Yes doctor, I don't want to have any expectations. I'd like to see it after it's birth." I said, rubbing my bump.

I'm at the hospital for my antenatal, Abdulmalik had just dropped me off and left. He had wanted to stay with me until everything is done but he was called at the office, he even wanted to ditch them and stay with me but I convinced him to go. He promised to send a driver with his car to take me home once i'm done.

Being pregnant and going to school isn't easy for me at all, even though I don't feel pain anymore like I felt in my first trimester. But I still get the morning sickness sometimes. The major mood swings aren't left out too. I really pity Abdulmalik, he really tried throughout this journey with me. He had refused any help from both of the families.

He said he'd take care of his family himself, he had problems with both mother's then. But after convincing them with God knows what,they agreed, I myself was surprised as to how they gave up so easily. What i'm afraid of right now is the big storm coming up next, Abdulmalik had said that I wouldn't go back home after giving birth.

He had said that he wouldn't let this 'stupid' tradition of a thing get to him. He doesn't see any reason why a woman should be taken away from her home and her husband for forty days.

I had told him that by doing that, the woman is being thought how to take care of herself and her baby. He had sighed and asked me a question that I couldn't answer and then what, he won.

He had asked me if Americans go to their parents homes and spend forty days in other to learn how to take care of themselves and their babies?

I had smiled then and told him that we were different from them and we have to follow our traditions. He had disagreed we with me, saying he wouldn't follow any traditions and that I'd stay home and do the necessary things needed to be done myself with his help.

What made me furious was how he kept air quoting 'traditions' and 'forty days'. I had started yelling, telling him that I wouldn't be able to take care of myself immediately after giving birth, it's either he allowed me to go or bring someone that would take care of me, it doesn't have to be up to forty days. And then what, the water works started, pregnancy hormones!

He had spent the whole night apologizing. He had then said that he'd bring an old woman to take care of me. I only agreed to forgive him after he made me pancakes that I had requested for; at two am.

We will see what our mothers have to say about it.

Brushing the thought away, I made to get up from my sitting position with the help of the doctor. I bade her and made my way to the parking lot towards Abdulmalik's car. The driver opened the owners corner for me to sit in.

Seated, he started the car and we drove away. We arrived home in thirty minutes, I asked him to drop me by the gate because he'd be taking the car back to Abdulmalik. Driving in and out of the house will be stressful for him, apart from the one he encountered at the hospital while waiting for me.

But, he had insisted to take in me in, I had to let him have his way because I was too tired to argue. I got out of the car after he parked. Opening the door, I slumped onto the couch and heaved a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness we were on holidays, I would be stress free for some months. I can't believe I only have a year and six months left, we finished writing exam not long ago. We are six months away until our last year. I always thank almighty Allah for giving me an understanding husband, not all men allow their wives to attend university nowadays.

And it's very very common in the northern part of the country, girls are believed to be made for the kitchen only. Boys are considered as the most important being, they're being treasured and trained up until their masters level. They don't care about the women's future or feelings, all they want is to give them out in marriage to whomever they deem fit.

I brushed the thought off, wiping a lone tear. I sent a silent prayer to the women out there who are going through this kind of problem. I got up and made my way to my room to have  a shower. Done showering, I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my body.

I sure need a lot of exercise after giving birth. I look so fat for a six months old pregnancy, I had been craving for sweets and pastries ever since I was pregnant. Being a mother isn't easy, I only realized that immediately the pain started around my first trimester.

I really pity those people that don't respect their mothers, some even make them a thing of mockery. There was a story I had once heard of a boy, buying gallons of milk for his mother to repay her for breastfeeding him just because she had asked him to not to do something but he insisted on doing it, she then resorted to telling him how she had suffered to take care of him ever since she gave birth to him, mentioning breastfeeding in the list, only for him to grow up and disrespect her.

He had then laughed it off, saying he'd repay her by paying her all the money she spent on him and then he resorted to buying her milk for the breastfeeding payment.

Wa'iyazubillah! Astagfirullah!

I had cried my eyes out then, people are so stupid, inconsiderate and heartless. I wiped a lone tear and proceeded to wear my free gown.  I sprayed perfume and left for the living room. I was watching a movie when I heard the door bell chime. I got up and opened the door, smiling. He hugged me, kissing my hair.

"Well come back habibi, how was work?" I asked.

"It was stressful my dear, how are you and my baby?"

"We are fine Alhamdulillah, but, we missed you."

"You have no idea how much I missed you too wifey. So, what did the doctor say?"

"Well, the baby is fine, it's in the right position. She had asked me if I wanted to know the sex of the baby but I said no."

"Masha Allah, May we witness it's birth and May HE make it easy for you. And for the sex, we don't want to have any expectations. May HE give us a pious one."

"Aameen ya rabbi habibi."

He walked over to me, knelt down and kissed my tummy, rubbing it slowly. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. He stopped, got up and held my hand, caressing it softly.

"Thank you so much habibty, for everything that you have done for me. You had accepted me even after being practically forced by your parents to marry me. You have stood by my side through all the difficult times. You don't know how much you mean to me, you being in my life is the biggest blessing I had never imagined I would have. I love you so much wifey."

I smiled through my tears and hugged him.

"We are both lucky to have each other habibi, when I was first told that I'd be married off to some guy I never knew, I had cried my eyes out then, the only thought that kept popping into my head was my education. I had given up then, because I categorised you among the type of men that don't consider their wives preferences or decisions. But, when I started getting to know you, I found out that you aren't like that. I found out the real you after getting married to you. So, I'm the lucky one habibi."

He released the hug and looked at me in the eyes.

"I love you wifey."

"I love you too hubby."

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