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"Hey, groom! I was just coming back from your house, your mum said you were at Ibrahim's. How are you?" Said Ahmad, shaking my hand.

He came to Maiduguri two days ago with his family.

"You know I don't stay at home, i'm always here. I'm fine Alhamdulillah, how is the wife and children?"

"They are all fine Alhamdulillah, how is the preparation going so far?"

"Well, I am done with the lefe(bridal gifts), sowing my clothes, buying shoes, sowing clothes for the girls and mum. Paid for the delicacies and food, that's all I think. You guys have also played a major role in all of this with your contributions, thank you."

"Masha Allah, May Allah spare our lives to witness the wedding fatiha. Amin and please, stop thanking us Please."

"Aameen ya rabbi."

"How's the bride?"

"She's fine, they will be coming in by tomorrow in shaa Allah."

"Ah! That's great, journey mercies."


"So, I guess, no attending of any events, right?"

"Yes, I have told her that already but it seems like she's a little bit upset."

"Well, she has the right to, they have already planned that the groom will also attend and then all of a sudden he wouldn't, what do you expect her reaction to be? Happy? But at least she should have understood what you were going through though."

I hummed."When are you leaving for Egypt?" I asked, changing the topic.

"In three months time, in shaa Allah."

"You'll soon be called professor Ahmad. PhD in the making!"

"Yes bro." he said, laughing.

"Alright then, I'll see you later. Let me get going to Ibrahim's house, I just stepped out to give Usman money for something he needs to take care of. I'll be left cashless by the end of this I swear."

He laughed. "Don't worry, you'd still have some money with you. I'll see you later." He said and walked away.

As I strolled to Ibrahim's house, I kept on reflecting on Zainab and I's conversation yesterday. It was obvious she was upset but I thought she would understand, I actually didn't think she would even go ahead and have a reception or ask me to attend it.

Yes getting married to her is what I have been waiting for, for a long time now. The day the of our wedding would be the happiest day of my life but I don't see myself overly celebrating it because my father isn't with me.

We were both actively involved in the whole process and doing this without him makes me feel extremely sad to the point that I don't have any zeal of doing or attending any events other than going to the mosque where we would tie the knot.

I sighed and pushed my thoughts aside as I said my salam and walked into Ibrahim's house. I just hope she will understand.


Ibrahim decided to arrange a little get together with our friends before the wedding, basically a bachelor's party without the usual loud music and unnecessary decorations.

Just a chill evening with good friends. We reminisced about the past and just had a really good time, I got to catch up with my friends that I haven't seen in a long time.

We all left the house to pray magrib, we stayed and prayed isha before leaving the mosque. We got back and had an amazing dinner that Ibrahim's mother prepared for us and went right back to reminiscing, again.

DREAMS WORTH CHASING (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now