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I shouted in frustration immediately I got into my room. I had wanted to surprise him on our wedding night, just like every other woman does, but I failed. I am just regretting asking for Fannah's advice.

Earlier on, when Abdulmalik called me and stated his visit, I was so happy because it's been a while since I saw him. So, I asked for Fannah's advice on what to wear.

I was already wearing an atampa skirt and blouse designed with stone work, she said that there was no need for me to change that I should place a veil over my head. Mind you, the veil is short and thus, he got to see my hands.

And now, apart from feeling frustrated, i'm terrified because my aunts have warned me from seeing Abdulmalik ever since the events started. The worst of them all is Aunt Yagana, my mom's best friend.

She has been on my neck ever since we got here. I was not allowed to go to anywhere except if i'm being called, i'm to stay in my room until the events start.

Fannah had to make sure there wasn't anyone in the living room before I went to meet him and I asked her to stand guard by the door and not let anyone in. But, I didn't see her when I came out, I just pray Aunt Yagana hadn't seen her.

I was still freaking out when I heard my name being called loudly. I thought it was one of those crazy cousins of mine at first but when I listened closely, I then understood the voice of the person that called me,

Oh my God, I'm doomed!

It's Aunt Yagana!

"Is Zainab not around? Or is she still with him." I heard her ask, yelling.

I'm dead!

"Ma! I'm coming." I yelled back.

"No don't come, I am coming. Senseless girl."

I hid behind my curtains and waited for the worst to happen. I was still behind it when I heard a loud bang on the door.

"It is open." I whisper-yelled.

I heard someone barge in.

"Where are you? Will you come out!"

I walked out slowly and met a fuming Aunt Yagana and a terrified Fannah, I really am doomed.

"Why did you go and see him? What did I tell you about allowing him to visit you, that too in the living room, alone. What if he tried to take advantage of you? Huh! Why is it that you children of nowadays don't have shame at all. Your parents, Uncles, Aunties, visitors excetra! are all around! What will people say when they see you? Are you that eager to leave your Family, your mum especially. Hmm? Are you?! You can do whatever it is you want to do when you go to your home but not here. And you! You were even standing guard," she pointed an accusing finger at Fannah. "Heh! This children will not be the death of me, you won't. Let this repeat itself, I will make sure I stop the wedding from happening, shameless children."

She left the room in a fit of rage without even waiting to hear our apologies. I turned and glared at Fannah, silently asking how she let this happen.

"I can explain wallah, I was still standing guard when I heard Aunt Yagana calling me and I could not, not answer her, you know how she is. So, I left and went to meet her. When I got into her room, she asked me of you, I told her you were praying. So I saw her standing up and I was like 'where are you going to?' She said to your room. So I started making up excuses that she should tell me whatever it is she wants to tell you so I can help her deliver the message myself but she said no. When I kept insisting she gave that 'tell me what is going on' look. And I had no choice but to tell her." She finished, giving me an apologetic look.

I sighed. "It's okay, let me pray and sleep. I have had enough of troubles today. Goodnight, I will see you tomorrow in shaa Allah."

"Alright, goodnight."


"Ya Zainab! Ya Zainab, get up!" Said Fannah, shaking me lightly.

"Umm, leave me alone." I said, in a sleepy voice.

"Aunt Yagana is coming."

I jumped out of the bed immediately I heard that, she laughed to her heart content before she left the room. This girl will not be the death of me. I sighed and walked to towards the bathroom.

I can't believe it is morning already.

I got into the bathroom, had my bath and performed ablution. I got dressed in no time and prayed raka'atanil fitr before fajr. I didn't make the mistake of going back to sleep after I finished praying. I don't want to face Aunt Yagana's wrath this morning.

I left my room and went to each aunts room and greeted them, I went to my mom's room and greeted her too. I then afterwards went to Aunt Yagana's room.

I said my salam and went in, she was still on her prayer mat. I greeted her and apologized for what I did yesterday, she only nodded her head and told me to go to my room, that my breakfast is there already. I should eat and wait for the henna designer.

I did as told, the henna designer arrived at 6:30am and we started immediately.

Five hours later.

We were finally done, the red henna looked so beautiful on me, Masha Allah. The woman was paid according to the amount she requested for and she left, smiling sheepishly.

After all admirations and snapping of pictures, I finally got some alone time. I had lunch and went to my room to catch up with the sleep I missed. But not after telling Aunt Yagana of course. Before she will think I went to Abdulmalik's house to see him.

I laughed at that.

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