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I sneaked out of physics class and went to the school garden, knowing that's the only place I could go and get a peace of mind. I let my tears flow freely as I recalled the conversation I had with my parents last night.

My sister Fannah had informed me of them calling me while I was studying for my upcoming WAEC, which has been taking a toll on me. But studying a science course is not easy so that's expected, the result is always worth it.

I got into the living room and met my parents talking in hushed tones, I salamed, greeted them and sat beside my mom.

"Fatima, how is the waec preparation going?" My dad, Alhaji Umar Daggash, asked.

"Hectic, but, I'm pulling through. Alhamdulillah." I said, adjusting my sitting position to give him my full attention.

"I hope you have eaten? Because the way you are so engrossed in reading these days, you forget to eat." My mum, Hajiya Maryam, asked.

I chuckled. "Yes, I have eaten mom."

"Enough of the chit chat, let's get straight to the reason why I called you here." Said Dad.

We don't get along that much with our dad, he has been strict to us ever since we were little up until we grew up. He was loving in his own way but, hardly converses with us his children. He had tried several times to rekindle some type of connection with my siblings and I, but it was already too late. We were used to being close with our mum and being distant from him.

"Fatima, are you even listening to me?" Asked dad, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes dad."

"Good, there's something that i've had in my mind even before getting married. My goal is to get my daughters married before they start college, it is the right way. And i am not doing it because i don't love you or i don't want you to further your studies. No, it has always been my dream and also, it is right islamically. So, in shaa Allah, I am marrying you off immediately after secondary school. Some months or a year after your WAEC." He said, smiling.

Ever since he started talking, my thought was about my education. From the stories that I heard, most husbands don't allow their wives to further their education after marriage. No! This can't happen to me.

"What?!" I asked, trying hard not to yell or cry.

"You heard me." He spoke, with a firm look on his face.

"But..." I tried to protest.

"No buts, my decision is final. You may leave." He deadpanned.

I sighed as I got out of my pool of thoughts and rested my head on the bench I was sitting on.

"Fatima!" I heard someone call my name.

"Huh!" I turned around and saw my best friend Habiba, I immediately wiped my tears.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Physics teacher asked of you, he said he'd deal with you for sneaking out even after telling you not to. Why are you crying? What is wrong with you dear? I've noticed the gloom look on your face this morning, I asked you if something was wrong but you said nothing. Fatima, what happened?" She asked, concern etched on her face.

I put my head on her shoulder and continued crying. "Ssh, stop crying, tell me what's bothering you?"

"Dad is getting me married after secondary school." I said, sniffling.

"What?!" She exclaimed, causing the now filled up garden with students to look at us.

"Keep your voice down Habiba." I said, trying to sound as quiet as possible.

"I can't believe it Fatima, what about our dream of continuing schooling together and achieving our dreams and ambitions?" Asked Habiba, with a worried face.

"My dreams have been shattered Habiba." I said, crying.

"It's okay, let's leave everything in the hands of our creator. Just take it as qadr, please stop crying."

"I'll try to." I assured her, sniffling.

"Let's go and eat something, I'm really hungry and I know you are too." She said, getting up.

"You can go, I'm not hungry."

"Come on Fatima, what is wrong with you? You know dad won't change his decision. Besides, Allah has already willed this to happen, worrying and crying won't solve a thing. You should pray for the best, and you of all people know that your parents won't choose someone bad for you, but still you should try. Your parents too won't be happy if you continue to behave like this, please stop worrying yourself too much." She said, hugging me.

"I'll try and do so."

"Please do. Let's go and eat."


Done eating and studying, the driver came and picked me up after picking my siblings from their schools. Back home, the driver parked the car in the parking lot, we all emerged from it and got into the house.

We greeted our parents and moved straight to our rooms to shower and change. Done having a shower, I changed into a flay gown and lie on the bed, thinking about this whole marriage thingy.

Minutes into my thinking, mom called me, asking me to come. and have lunch. I didn't have any appetite for anything, I only ate it so she wouldn't be worried. I stayed up in my room through out the day with the pretence of reading, whilst I was crying.

The Adhan for magrib prayer was called, I performed ablution, prayed and poured my heart out to my rabb, tears streaming down my face. I slept off on the prayer mat, after praying isha.


The loud shrill of my alarm woke me up from sleep, I groaned and switched it off. I went to the bathroom, performed ablution, prayed raka'atanil fitr then fajr. After that, I left to my siblings rooms to wake them up.

I have three siblings, Fannah, Usman and Muhammad whom we call chu chu. We are from Maiduguri living in Abuja.

"Aunty, i'm up." Said chun chun, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Okay darling, let me give you a bath and get you ready for school." I said, caressing his chubby cheeks.

We finished getting ready, had breakfast, and greeted our parents. We were about to leave when mom called me, telling my siblings to wait for me in the car. I went up to her room, said salam and got in. I sat on the carpet beside her.

"My daughter, I know how upset you are about what your dad said yesterday, but you have to take heart and leave everything to Allah. I know about your dreams and ambitions, but what do we do? Indeed we plan, but HE is the best of all planners. Let's just hope it's for the best. When are you starting your exam?"

"Next week." I said, holding back the tears that's threatening to fall.

"Good, best of luck dear."

"Thank you mom, let me get going." I left the room as fast as my legs can carry me because tears were threatening to fall and I don't want my mom to see it.

I walked to the car, apologized for keeping them waiting and off we went. We dropped them off at their respective schools, I was dropped off lastly. I got down, thanked the driver and left for my class.

It's going to be long day.

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