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I tossed and turned around in my bed as I thought about my wife, I still can't believe I am finally with her. The feeling is surreal. I thought we would say goodnight to each other before she went to bed but I guess she was tired.

I checked my phone for the nth time that night, it was 12:30am. I sighed. When will the day break. I'm eager to see her beautiful face again. I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't. I gave way to the darkness.


My alarm rang at exactly 4:30am. I turned it off and got out of bed. I'm sure Ibrahim is up already, we always wake up thirty minutes to fajr and pray tahajjud. I performed wudu, changed my clothes and spread the prayer mat.

I prayed six nawafil making sure not to exempt shafa'i and witr. I raised my hands and prayed well to my rabb. Adhan for subhi was called minutes later, I came out and made way to my Zainab's room.

I knocked on the door in an effort to wake them up for Salah. She opened the door. On seeing me, she smiled. The smile that always melts my heart. I returned the gesture.

"I was up since 4:20am. That's my daily routine." Came her sweet small voice.

Alhamdulillah. I know I didn't make a mistake by marrying this beautiful and amazing woman. She is the right woman for our children. May Allah bless our marriage.

"Barakallah fihk ya zawjaty." I said, looking at her radiating face.

"Ameen ya rabbi ya zawj." She said, smiling.

"Alright, let me leave for the mosque. See you later."

"Okay habibi."

I met Ibrahim at the gate. He smiled  sheepishly immediately he saw me.

"You went to see your bride, right?" He asked, grinning.

I smacked his arm and walked away, leaving him behind.

There isn't much distance from the mosque to our house. We rushed home immediately after praying because Ibrahim is going back and he wants to leave early so he can make it to Maiduguri in broad daylight.

He got into the bathroom and I left to call my wife. I called her on the phone instead, she picked on the first dial. I passed my message to her and she came out in less than a minute.

"Ibrahim is leaving now, so you should bid him farewell." I said.

"Okay, but he hasn't had breakfast yet and there isn't gas, Fannah would've made him something."

"Ah no problem, he doesn't eat breakfast early. Moreover, he will get himself something to eat on the way." I said.

She nodded.

"Our bride, good morning." Said Ibrahim, grinning.

"Good morning. You are leaving already?" Asked Zainab.

"Yes, Abdulmalik said I should leave his house. He said he wants to spend time with his wife and he doesn't want any disturbance." He said, laughing.

I only smiled and shook my head.

Zainab giggled.

"Okay, let's go." I said, pushing him towards the door.

He took his bag and we all moved to the parking lot. Fannah joined us afterwards. He had once left his car here and traveled on air when he visited me last time.

My house is spacious Masha Allah. I had bought the land when I was transferred here and started building it last year in preparation for the wedding. It is a 4 bedroom bungalow, with a spacious parlour, dinning area and a study room.

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