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There is nothing as joyous as family coming together, reminiscing and having fun. I looked around the large living room as aunties, uncles and cousins conversed amongst themselves. We were all gathered for Fannah's wedding, we had spent a whole week on different kinds of events for this wedding, it was amazing.

The wedding Fatiha was finally done today and she would be conveyed to her home very soon, I was waiting on her makeup to be done so that I can take her to our parents for some marital advice, hand her over to her husband and leave for my house.

I am so tired, the wedding week was hectic and I'm so glad that Abdulmalik was transferred to Abuja, it wouldn't have been easy for me otherwise. I didn't have to move to my parents house for the wedding, I could just juggle between my house and my parents house.

I got out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called, it was the makeup artist. I got up and walked over to them, "I am done with the makeup, I can't believe this is my last makeup on her." She paused and turned towards Fannah. "Thank you so much for hiring me for your wedding, I wish you all the best in your matrimonial home."

"I should be the one thanking you for a good job, thanks for your prayers." Fannah said, smiling.

"Yes, thank you. You did a wonderful job. It's not easy doing makeup for almost twenty people for a week straight," I said.

She chuckled and packed her things, said goodbye to everyone and left.

"You ready?" I asked, holding her up. I could tell she was nervous.

She nodded her head. I covered her face and led her towards my parents living room. After lots of advices and tears, I took her to where the grooms cars were waiting alongside my aunts. I hugged her one last time and helped her into the car, my aunties got in and they drove off. I walked back in, said bye to my parents and relatives and left.

I got into my car and drove home, I reached home in no time. Imran and my three year old daughter Aydah welcomed me with a hug, Abdulmalik had been taking care of them ever since the wedding started. He really is a good father and a good husband.

I never really thought this could work out from the start but when you put your trust in Allah and do your best, everything falls into place. I have completed my school and I have a job at the hospital. I am a doctor. Who would've thought? Alhamdulillah.

I had dinner with my family and retired to bed. I couldn't be more happier with the way my life turned out. I am in good terms with my in-laws, our close friends are married and living happily in their homes, our siblings are doing amazing in their lives, we have two amazing kids. Life is good. Alhamdulillah. Which favors of my Lord could I possibly deny?


Thank you so much for giving my book a chance, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Add Fated To Love You to your libraries, updates will be coming soon🤍

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