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I hissed loudly, completely pissed off. I've been looking for the house keys in my bag but I couldn't find them. I checked for the nth time and saw it at a far end of the bag.

Bringing it out, I opened the door, got in and slumped onto the couch and sighed. Ya ilahi. I haven't even gone that far but i'm tired already.

I had just gotten back from school. Abdulmalik's office driver drove me there and brought me back, I had told him that I can drive myself but he wouldn't hear any of it.

A year and some months ago, if I was told that I would get to fulfill my dream, I wouldn't have believed it.

I never thought that Abdulmalik would allow me to further my studies because most men, nowadays, don't let their wives to further their education. They believe that women are only made for the kitchen, not school. I shuddered at the thought. Waiting for seven months for admission was torture for me, but it finally did come out and I got in at ABU Zaria.

I can still vividly remember how Abdulmalik raised me up and ran around the house when the results came out. He was so happy and so proud of me.

And then came registration, God! It was one hell of a work. But Alhamdulillah.

I had already planned with Zubaida that, whenever I had early morning classes, I'd come over a day before and spend the night at her house. I'm so glad the man she married lives in Zaria, it wouldn't be hard for her with her studies.

Luckily, most of my lectures are ten or eleven in the morning. So I have time to get to Zaria on time, but it is stressful wallah.

Alhamdulillah we are in our second semester.

And in that time, our two years anniversary came around. I couldn't bring myself to celebrate talk more of remembering it, he had to remind me, again. I couldn't keep myself from thinking about our childless situation, Abdulmalik had been persuading me not to think about it but I can't.

Brushing the thought away, I wiped a lone tear and moved to my room to have a shower.

Done showering, I made my way to the kitchen to make dinner; spaghetti and meatballs. Abdulmalik had called me earlier, saying he went out with some friends. He'd be back after isha prayer. Ever since I started schooling, we haven't seen each other that much, talk more of sitting down and having a conversation.

He most of the times eats lunch out; which he hates. He prefers to eat my food. I sometimes make both breakfast and lunch before leaving, but, I don't do it most of the time. I feel like this whole school thing is drifting our relationship apart.

But most importantly, we are on good terms with Aisha and Maryam now. Though, I really pity Maryam. I couldn't bring myself to believe that he actually divorced her. I mean, Maryam is a nice woman, with a good heart. What did she do that made him divorce her? Whatever it is, I just hope he wouldn't take her children away from her. The thought of it sends shivers down my spine.

Brushing the thought away, I placed the last food warmer on the dining table and made my way to the bathroom to perform ablution for magrib salah. Done praying, I folded my prayer mat and left to the living room.

The adzan for Isha prayer made me to leave the program I was watching and made my way to the room to pray. I read the qur'an for some time and placed it on it's stand, I left for the living room afterwards. Abdulmalik will be home any minute, the thought of it made me feel giddy.


An hour later, Abdulmalik isn't back yet, he isn't like that. He always comes home on time, what could be wrong? I don't know why, but my heart is beating so fast that I thought it's going to burst out of my chest. I placed my hand on my chest in a effort to steady it, sighing, I took my phone and dialed his number.

But it wasn't going through, I tried again and again but it still wasn't going through. I resorted to calling Ahmad, but he wasn't picking up. Now i'm freaking out, oh my God! What is going on? My phone then suddenly rang, I picked it without checking the caller ID.

"Assalamu alaikum, good evening Zainab. It's Ahmad. Umm, I called about Abdulmalik."

Abdulmalik? What happened to him? Oh God!

"Abdulmalik? What about him? What is going on?"

"He got into a car a accident, we've taken him to the hospital. He being operated on."

Innalillahi wainna ilaihirrajiun, this can't happening! Ya ilahi. I tried to bring myself to speak but I couldn't, no wonder I've been having these strange feelings. I was on the verge of tears now, but no, I won't cry. I need to be strong for my husband, he really needs me now. I managed to ask Ahmad the hospital's address before hanging up the phone.

I drove like a maniac to the hospital. There, I found Ahmad's family already. Ahmad was pacing around the corridor, brushing his hair nervously. I moved swiftly to them, looking at them with questionable eyes.

"How long has he been in there?" I asked, trying hard not to break down.

"An hour ago." Ahmad said.

"What?! How bad is his injury? Why are they taking so long? Why didn't you call me earlier? What the hell led to this accident?" I whisper-yelled.

"Zainab you need to calm down, he'll be fine in shaa Allah. Just pray for him please." Munayya, Ahmad's wife consoled me.

I sighed and sat down. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes but I fought hard to hold it back. I shouldn't cry, I have to be strong for my habibi. I rested my head on the wall, closed my eyes and let the cold air coming out from the AC brush my skin softly.


Two hours later, the light went off. The doctors came out of the theater room, wiping strands of sweat from their foreheads. I swiftly moved towards them, inquiring about my husband.

"Calm down Mrs Abdulmalik, he'll be alright by God's grace. Meet me in my office." Dr Simon said.

I nodded my head.

Moving towards the office, alongside Ahmad and his wife, different thoughts were roaming through my mind; thousands of what if's. I just hope he's alright, if anything happens to him, I don't know what I'd do. Wiping a lone tear, I knocked on the office door. We got in after given the permission.

Sitting on the chair facing the doctor, we exchanged pleasantries.

"There's nothing serious wrong with him ma'am, he only fractured his wrist and right leg. But He'll be fine by God's grace, we've moved him to a private ward, you may go and see him but he's still unconscious due to the injection that was administered to him."

I smiled, tears streaming down my face; tears of joy.

"Alright sir, thank you so much." I said.

Ahmad shook hands with him, we left for the ward afterwards. Opening the door, I gasped at the sight before me. His leg was tied up to something above the bed, his hand was all wrapped up and his face was swollen. Munayya tapped me on the shoulder, gesturing me to go to him. I smiled and moved towards him.

I sat on the chair beside the bed, I held his hand in mine and kissed it.

"Habibi, please wake up soon, I miss you so much." I pleaded, whimpering.

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