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The sound of my alarm woke me up around five o'clock, I performed ablution and left for masjid. I met dad at the masjid reciting qur'an, we always do that before it's time to pray and recite again after praying. Immediately after praying, we recited the qur'an and left for home. I got into my room, lay down on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up due to the rays of light penetrating through the curtains of my room, I checked the time and saw it was 8am, I hurriedly had a shower, changed and rushed downstairs.

I'm late for work!

I met dad and mum on the dining table, I greeted them. I was about to leave when mum asked if i wasn't going to have breakfast.

"Mum i'm late, and you didn't even wake me up," I said, pouting.

"Stop behaving like a baby and come and have breakfast joor. Why didn't you set your alarm before sleeping? Besides, your dad is sick, i'm sure you didn't notice when you were busy rushing your greetings and running off."

"Dad is what?!"

I then immediately noticed the gloom look on his face, he looked a bit pale. I moved close to him, hugged him and started stroking his back slowly.

How did I not notice it earlier at the mosque?

Work can wait!

"Dad how are you feeling now? But you were okay this morning. I guess I didn't see your face clearly because of the darkness. What is wrong with you? Have you gone to the hospital ? What did the doctors say?"

"Dad please say something."

"Will you calm down and stop blabbing, we haven't gone to the hospital yet, we are going later and stop worrying yourself. Everything will be ok, you can go to work, it's not that serious, it's just old age. Your siblings called, they're coming later, I don't know why you guys are so worried, it's just old age, okay?"

"Okay dad, but you know we have to be worried, I wish you a very quick recovery dad. But I don't think I can go to work, I won't be able to concentrate." I said, sitting on the couch beside him.

"No son, go, it's going to be okay. Don't play with your job, don't forget, the money you are given at the end of every month is because of it. What will you tell Allah when you are asked about the money you use all the time without paying attention and doing your job well, huh! Don't worry, you may go and make sure you concentrate well."

I sighed and nodded.

"In shaa dad, let me get going. I love you and get well soon."

"Aameen son and I love you too." Dad said, smiling.

"I hope you haven't forgotten me?" Asked mum, glaring at me jokingly.

"Oh my sweet mother, you know I love you too. I don't have to say it." I said, grinning.

She glared at me. "Alright dear, drive safely. I've asked talatu to put your breakfast in the car."

"Okay, thank you."

With the way I am with my parents, people always thought I am an only child, who was pampered growing up. Not knowing that I am the oldest out five. My siblings are Usman, Musa, Aisha and Maryam. Aisha and Maryam are married and staying in maiduguri. Usman is serving in Kano state while Musa is in his final year at the university of maiduguri.


Immediately I got to work, I went to my boss's office, apologized for coming late and told him my reason. He prayed for dad and gave me a week off, I thanked him and left the office happily. I got to my office and called mum, she said they were on their way to the hospital, I prayed for dad again and hung up.

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