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Abdulmalik parked his car after he had gotten back from work. He beamed as he made his way into his parents house. His father had called him earlier, telling him that he had a good news for him. He already had an inkling as to what it was, but, he didn't want get his hopes high yet.

He got into the house with a Salam. He sat down on the carpet in his father's parlor, waiting for his father to finish eating.

Alhaji Bukar rinsed his hands and faced his son, smiling. "I spoke to Zainab's father earlier, he accepted our proposal. In shaa Allah, you'll get to visit her by the weekend. I have also gotten her number from her father, when you have time you can call her."

"Alhamdulillah. I can't believe my ears, I am so happy about this wallahi. I've been having strange feelings about her lately, I later realized it was love. I had wanted to approach her with the issue but anytime I go to their house, after greeting me, she hides in her room. Alhamdulillah, thank you dad." Said Abdulmalik, smiling.

Alhaji Bukar was so surprised with his outburst.

"Can you imagine Hajiya, children of nowadays don't have shame at all. Abdulmalik, are you the one telling me this yourself? Where did all the shyness go to?" He stated, staring at his wife.

Hajiya Yaana laughed, shaking her head lightly. Abdulmalik scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Dad, let me ask talatu to bring you your coffee." Said Abdulmalik, getting up and swiftly got out of the living room.

On his way out, he heard his dad telling his mum to keep laughing, let her not teach her son some manners. He only smiled and maneuvered towards his room.

He asked talatu-the maid, to prepare coffee for his dad before getting into his room. Immediately he got in, he called his childhood friend, Ibrahim and told him the good news.

Ibrahim was so happy to hear it because Abdulmalik has been disturbing him about Zainab for some time now.

"When is the wedding?" Asked Ibrahim, jokingly.

"Oh please bro, calm your horses. We have to get to know each well first before the wedding date will be fixed. I have her number, I'll find time and call her."

He chuckled. "I know, I was only joking. Finally!"

"I know, right? I called to tell you to get ready and escort me to their house on Saturday." Said Abdulmalik.

"Okay bro, I wish you nothing but khair."

"Amin, thank you." Said Abdulmalik.

"Oh come on, what are friends for? I'll see you on Saturday."

"Alright bro." And with that he hung up the phone.


After his phone call with Ibrahim, he got ready and left for sahad stores to get some toiletries. His got finished some days ago.

He told his mother where he was going to, after series of prayers from her like she always does, he got into his car drove out of the house.

Even though being the oldest child out of five children, he always makes sure he informs his mother before leaving the house, everyday. The prayers she says for him make his days fruitful. Truly, a mother's prayer is powerful.


He parked his car, locked it and trudged towards the mall. He was about to get in when he saw her getting out of her car.

He was dumbfounded, he never knew he would see her here and definitely didn't expect their first meeting to be at a mall. He smiled and approached her.

"Alhamdulillah ya Allah for giving me the privilege of marrying this beautiful and calm lady." He said, smiling.

"Assalamu alaikum." He greeted.

Her heart started beating fast. What is he doing here? How did he know where I was? Did anyone tell him? She kept asking herself these questions.

Abdulmalik noticed her discomfort and smiled. He was also internally nervous, he was just trying hard to keep his cool.

"Hello miss." He said, waving his hand across her face.

"Huh! Yes, wa'alaikumussalam." She said in one breath.

"I've been talking to you since but it seemed like you zoned out." He said, feigning hurt.

"Oh, i'm sorry." Was all that she said, before closing the car door and asking tanko-the driver, to wait for her.

She started walking away, he followed her saying "You look gorgeous as always."

"Thank you." was all she said and left. He couldn't help but feel hurt by her behavior, he knew that it would be hard at first before they get to know each since this is literally an arranged marriage. But he still felt hurt.

He sighed and walked towards the car she came in, he told tanko to go that he will take her home himself.

Tanko nodded and left. They finished shopping in no time, he paid for everything, even though she tried stopping him but he didn't listen.

When she came out, she didn't see tanko or the car.

"Where is he?" She asked, looking around the parking lot.



As you can see this chapter is a little bit different as it was written in third person's pov. It's actually the only chapter in this book that is like that and I'm really sorry for that. I wanted to change it to the pov I already started writing the book with, but it was a lot of work, plus writing it this way makes the discriptions so much easier. But don't worry, this is the only different chapter. The rest will go on as the book started. Thank you ♥️

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