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"I'm really sorry Abdulmalik, there's nothing we can do about it. Had it been you had spoken a month ago, maybe it would have been granted, but you can apply again after a year or two. You'll get it by then in shaa Allah."

"Kaduna state!" I repeated for the umpteenth time. That's where I've been transferred to. Oh my God!

I left home earlier this morning after getting blessings and prayers from my parents to go to the office and apply for the transfer. Only to get this bad news, that I've been transferred to Kaduna state. And I should report in five days time, that'll be the day my parents and siblings will be leaving for Maiduguri. I'm so doomed.

I feel sad about about it because normally we were always given heads up when it comes to promotion and transfer, but, things seemed different this time around. With how successful our car parts designing company is getting Masha Allah, our boss had to open another branch.

I knew about the the transfer of some workers there, I just didn't know I would be among them.

What would kind of make it bearable for me is my colleague and friend Ahmad will also be joining me there, he was also transfered to Kaduna a few months ago.

I had wanted to transfer to Maiduguri so that I'll be by dad's said through everything, but, it looks like it's not happening.

I sighed before shaking hands with my boss and left. Here I was thinking my day would go great but I was wrong. So wrong!


"Stop worrying yourself son, remember, you plan but HE is the best of planners. So stop worrying over this matter. When you get a chance at work, then you can come visit us." Said mum.

Dad didn't say anything ever since I broke the news but the look on his face says he isn't happy.

"Don't worry bro, we'll take care of dad and every other thing, you just come visit when you get a chance." Said Usman, smiling.

"Yeah he's right, even though we are going to miss you, but we don't have a choice." Said Maryam.

"It's okay son, don't worry yourself about it." Said dad for the first time.

"Okay, I've heard you all, thank you for the wonderful advice. Thank God Ahmad is there too, so it'll be kind of easier. Ibrahim is also leaving same day as you all, wish you all safe journey and a very much quicker recovery my wonderful and amazing dad."

Dad only smiled.

Everybody else chorused an Aameen.


"Stop worrying yourself about it, Allah has already willed that you won't go with them or should I say HE has willed that you won't get the transfer. You should just pray that it's for the best, hmm?" Said Zainab.

"Yeah I know dear, and I've already done that, thank you for your advice and thank you for accepting me. I know you might probably be sad with the fact that you are getting married instead of continuing your education, but, don't worry, by God's grace you will do it a year after our marriage."

"Oh my God! Are you serious? Thank you so much, you have no idea how happy you just made me now. Thank you!"

"And that's all I want too, to make you happy and I want you to know that I love you."


Why is she quiet? Is it too soon to say it?

Is she surprised or shocked?

Is she overwhelmed?

I wish I could see her face now.

I chuckled. "Hello wifey, are you there?"

"Umm i...i is calling me, we'll talk later, send my regards to everyone at home but dad's should be special. You get what i'm saying. Okay, bye."

And then she hung up without waiting for my reply, this girl is something else. She'll get used to hearing it that she'll reply someday.


"Alright son, safe trip, make sure you take good care of yourself and be honest with your job. Don't ever think of coming to visit us if you aren't allowed at work,"

He's just trying to be brave, but he looks like someone who's going to break down anytime.

"In shaa Allah dad, I'm going to miss you all."

We are at the airport now, they'll be leaving in a few minutes. Zainab's family are on their way already, dad told his friend yesterday. I also told my beloved too

Speak of the angel!

"Assalamu alaikum." They greeted.

After the hugs, cries and advices.

It was time to go, I almost cried again, but knowing we had visitors who are also my in-laws, I held the tears back.

They boarded the plane after the waving and byes.

They left together with Ibrahim's family. I'm really going to miss them.

My father in-law said I should follow them and rest at his house but I declined politely because I also need to leave now, even though Abuja to Kaduna is three hours drive. They all said their goodbyes and left for the car, leaving Zainab and I.

Immediately she looked up, I saw the sadness in her eyes. I resisted the urge to hug her and tell her everything will be okay.

"Did you cry? Your eyes are umm red?"

Her sweet voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, don't you know that i'm a daddy's pet and i won't see him everyday like I always do." I said, pouting.

She chuckled. "That's what Allah has ordained to happen and nobody can change it. You just have to be patient. I wish you a safe trip, I wish you success in what you do."

"Aameen ya rabbi, thank you dear. Let's not keep them waiting, let me walk you to the car."


I walked her to the car, I could hear her sister doing all those girly screams.


They left after saying bye again and I went straight to my car. I've already packed everything I needed.

I got into the car and started the it.

Kaduna! here I come.

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