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It is officially one month to my wedding which is a bittersweet feeling. I can't wait to get married to the love of my life, I'm also sad to leave home. I didn't know getting married would make me such an emotional wreck.

I always go from being excited to spending the day moping in my room, there's no in between. I sighed and left to my mother's room to tell her that I'm leaving. I'm going with Habiba for fittings with my tailor.

Mum wants to finish making and sowing all the things she needed here, so that when we get to Maiduguri, the only thing she'll have to worry about is the catering services and looking for a hall for the luncheon.

I am much more excited that the whole wedding would take place in Maiduguri, the only event we would have here in Abuja is Walima so that my mom's friends that wouldn't be able to make it to Maiduguri can attend.

"Make sure you complain to him when you notice a mistake, even the slightest one, okay?" My mom cautioned me, holding her ears to show how serious she was.


"Okay mum, i'm stopping by at Habiba's house, she's suppose to come here but their driver traveled and her brothers aren't at home."

"Alright no problem, has she sown her clothes or is she taking them to the tailor today?"

"No, she has already sewn hers. I just want her to escort me to the tailor, I don't want to go alone." I said, pouting.

"Okay you may go, don't keep the driver waiting. My regards to her mom."

"Alright mum, bye." I hopped into the car and we drove away.

My siblings clothes have all been sown, souvenirs have been made already, so the only thing remaining is us getting to Maiduguri.

The walima is tomorrow, which is Friday. And we would leave for Maiduguri by Monday, that is, a day after the walima, another long journey. Ya Allah! I still can't believe it's one month to my wedding, time flies by really quickly these days.

"Madam we are here." Said the driver, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Alright, wait for us, we'll be out soon."

"Okay ma."

I got into the house with a salam and a loud shriek welcomed me. Guess who it was, Habiba! She's still in her nighties, this girl will not be the death of me.

"Amarya Amarya! Come in and stop glaring at me please." She said, waving her hands in the air.

"For God's sake Habiba, I told you to get ready that I'll come pick you up. I can't believe you are still in your nighties. I am not coming in, go and dress up fast, I give you 3mins to do that." I said, glaring at her.

"Okay mademoiselle, can you please come in and sit before I get ready?" She asked, bowing down a little.

This girl is not serious!

"Fine. Off you go, shoo!" I said, trying to smack her on her arm.

She dodged and ran off laughing.


"Ah ah! Amarya, how are you? Habiba was just telling me that you've come." Habiba's mum said, smiling.

"Yes mama, good afternoon, how's work?"

"Fine Alhamdulillah my dear, how is the wedding preparations?"

"Fine Alhamdulillah, I've given Habiba your IV for tomorrow's event. Has she given you?"

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