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What I felt when Ibrahim called and informed me that the knot has been tied is inexplicable. Alhamdulillah ya Allah for sparing our lives to witness this day in good health and wealth. To my utmost surprise, a lot of people attended the fatiha at the mosque. The rest of the people gathered at the front yard of the house. Well, who am I kidding? I mean, it's the son Alhaji Bukar after all, I muttered a silent du'a to him.

Family and friends, from far and beyond attended, Masha Allah. Everything went well, I received gifts and congratulatory messages too. We ate, chatted for a while and then everyone dispersed in the evening.

But all this while, I was thinking about my wife and how she was.

My wife.

I still can't believe it, I am a married man now, married to the love of my life and the woman of my dreams. Alhamdulillah, I can't stop thanking you ya rabb for showing me this day, May it be a fruitful one and May we have pious children. I muttered an Ameen. Speaking of which, she hasn't replied my message yet. She must be shocked also, trying to comprehend the fact that she's a married woman now. And oh, I'm sure she might be crying by now.

"Thinking about your wife?" Ahmad asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

It was then that I noticed the rest of our friends have left too because earlier on, after the gathering, a few of us moved to Ibrahim's apartment. Most of them have left, there's four of us now. Muhammad, Ahmad and Ibrahim of course.

"I bet he is." Ibrahim said, smirking.

"Yeah yeah, I am, is it a crime? Please you guys should allow me to think about my wife in peace. I am thinking of how I am going to cope without her being with me for, well, a day." I finished off, furrowing my brows.

"Ha ah! How were you coping without her being with you for all these years? If you can wait for her for that long, a day shouldn't be a problem." Said Muhammad, laughing.

"I know, it's just that..., you won't understand, this is different...i.." I trailed off.

"You people should leave this guy alone, there's no harm in thinking about your wife and wanting her with you, right?" Asked Ahmad.

"Tell them please!" I said, grinning.

"Ahmad, this one that you are coming here all the time and staying here till night. Isn't madam angry?" I asked, jokingly.

He glared at me. "I don't blame you Abdulmalik, I blame myself for coming. Wait until you see me in any of your gatherings again."

"Oh come bro, it hasn't gotten to that, I was just trying to liven the conversation, you know." I said, smirking.

He scoffed and turned away.

Ahmad can be a child sometimes wallah.

"Oh come on man. Okay, I'm sorry."

"Now you are talking!" he said, laughing.

We all laughed.

I have noticed the gloom look on Ibrahim's face and his quietness, something is really bothering my friend. I made a mental note of talking to him after our friends leave. I looked up at him and I saw him move into his room with his head bowed down. Ahmad has been asking him if anything was wrong but he didn't acknowledge him.

The adhzan for magrib was called, we all sauntered out of the house to the masjid. After praying magrib, we waited for isha prayer. It was also called some minutes after. We prayed and everyone left to his destination, but not after congratulating me once again. So, I walked back home alone.

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