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I have been worried since yesterday when I learnt from Ibrahim that the most important event which is wushe wushe has commenced of which we were supposed to attend attend but we couldn't because we were still mourning our father's death. Whenever I remember that my wedding is in a few days time, my insides churn and my heart aches for the man whom I love so dearly and wished to be there at my wedding.

Many people think the love I have for my father is much more than the love I have for my mother, even my siblings think that too. But that isn't the case, I love my mom dearly too, more than I love my father. You can never compare a mother's love to that of a father, it's just that i had a really strong bond with him, but people will always be people, they will never understand.

So, I will just do things to please myself, I am done trying to please people because no matter how much you try, they will always condemn you.

I got worried etched when Zainab didn't pick my calls, I resorted to calling her younger sister but it was the same story. I became really worried because I know Zainab and her anger issues, I had almost decided to go and meet her and maybe attend the event but I refrained from doing so. I made up my mind to call her later in the night.

Waiting for the sun to fall felt like years to me, I was yearning to speak to my princess and apologize because i'm sure she is so angry right now, talk more of her family members, the gossipers are not left out too.

The moment I have been waiting for finally came, so after praying isha, I dialed her number but it went unanswered. When I tried again, it was switched off, it then dawned on me that my princess is really angry. I resulted to calling her tomorrow but that night, I had difficulty sleeping.


I dialed her number immediately after praying subhi. She picked on the first dial, she sounded so bubbly and then she kept rambling off about the event. I waited for her to finish up whatever it is she was saying. I had a scowl on my face because I was expecting something other than this from her, not that I wanted it.

I was also happy because it meant that she was not angry with me which means she understood my reasons for my actions.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asked, sighing.

"Yes I am wifey, it's just that I was surprised. I thought you would yell at me or not answer my call or give me a silent treatment but I got otherwise. I am short of words, thank you darling." I finished off, smiling.

"Oh come on habibi, you know me too well to think that I will do such thing to you. I really understand your point and I respect it, May jannatul firdaus be his final abode, ameen."

"And that is the reason why I love you so much dear, do you know that I fall in love with you over and over again everyday?..."

She chuckled.

" I really mean it wifey, it may sound silly but it is true. Oh the things I am going to do to you when you are brought to me, hmm..."

She cut me off by gasping.

"Habibi, umm, Aunty Yagana is calling me, there will be another event later. The henna decoration event. And by the way, it's just two days left for our dreams to finally come true, so calm your horses darling."

And then she hung up. I know it took all the courage in the world for her to say that, my shy wifey. I was about to lie down and catch up with the sleep I didn't get yesterday when an annoying familiar voice called my name and barge into my room.

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