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I woke up with a throbbing headache today and I've been having this weird feeling that something is going to happen for the past two days.

It had gotten to the point that I call my parents ten times to make sure they are okay after they leave for work and I call Abdulmalik too.

He always says he is okay whenever I call him but he has been acting weird ever since he got back from Maiduguri, we don't speak for long on the phone with the excuses of him being busy. Or he would hang up with the pretense of a bad network.

I didn't let that worry me, I know that he is stressed. Expecially after he came back two months ago.

When he got to Maiduguri, he found out that his father wasn't getting any better. He looked lean and pale.

He had called and told me, almost crying. I spent the whole day consoling him and assuring him that everything is going to be okay before he calmed down.

He stayed for eid though, he wanted to stay back after eid, but his dad said he should go back to his work. He had no choice but to come back.

He had called me yesterday saying he he was having a weird feeling like something bad was going to happen. I comforted him and told him to always think positively.

And now i'm the one having this feeling, I just hope everything is ok. With that thought in mind, I dialed his number.

"Hello dear. How are you? Are you okay?" I asked, immediately he picked the call.

"I'm not fine dear, you know I told you I've been having strange feelings right? Well, I called home, nobody's telling me anything. So later in the evening, a friend called and told me dad's body got worse and he was taken to the hospital. I'm on my way to Maiduguri now, I need to know what is going on."

"Oh my God, I just hope everything's okay. Call me when you get to Maiduguri and drive safe please, i love you."

"Okay dear, love you too."

I hung up the phone and sighed, i really pity him, all of them to be precise. They love this man so much but Allah has his plans. And He is the best of all planners.

I just pray he will regain his health and strength again. Ameen ya rabbi.


"No, we are using the pink gown for the walima. And then we'll use the emerald green for the luncheon, it'll be better." Said Fannah, flipping open a notepad and writing in it.

I can't believe mum chose to plan the wedding herself with my sister and cousin as her assistants.

She had hired a wedding planner, but it turned out she was too 'perfect' and demanding, or should I say disrespectful just like mum pointed out.

She never lets mum pitch her own ideas too and whenever she manages to say something she'll be like 'oh please, what are we in? The 80s? Allow us the much more civilized women to do it'. The audacity!

Mum fired her after that outburst and now she's doing it herself. She is really trying though.

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch. I sighed as I listened to them talk about the same topic for nth time that day.

Don't they get tired! There's literally still three months to the wedding.

And it doesn't help that I was banned to my room whenever there is this discussion because apparently I'm not suppose to be around them since I'm the bride.

"Argh! not the planning stuff again, i'm tired of staying in my room because if it. But wait, why do I get to stay in the room because you are planning my wedding? I mean, I should be part of it in case there are mistakes somewhere or if there's something that I want you know. I... "

I kept quiet and silently walked back to my room because of the way my mom kept glaring at me.


We were having dinner when I got a text from Abdulmalik. I had been worried sick all day because I hadn't heard from him, I called him numerous times but he wasn't answering his phone.

I excitedly opened text and what I saw made me develop a sudden headache.

Innalillahi wainna ilaihirrajiun!

From him we are and to him we shall return.

Hello everyone, how are you all doing? I hope you are fine and also enjoying the story. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, want to make corrections (constructive criticism) or just to say a word or two about the book or yourself. I'd be happy to respond. What do you think of the book so far? Please do leave your thoughts on it, commenting on a chapter and voting for it really makes my day and gives me the motivation to continue 🤍

So we have arrived at a cliffhanger😅

So what do you think happened?

Did something happen to Abdulmalik or his dad?

Let's hear your thoughts.

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