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"I'm at the hospital with Ibrahim, we'll go over to see his mum later. Dad will be discharged in the evening. It has started to affect his heart because he wasn't diagnosed early in other for treatment to start." He sounded broken. "But, we haven't given up yet, there's still hope. In shaa Allah he will be fine."

I woke up to Abdulmalik's call this morning.

"Don't stress yourself too much, everything will be alright. He'll be fine in shaa Allah, we'll visit again, maybe tomorrow. Dad is really worried too." I sighed.

"Yeah, he's his friend, he should be. we are moving back to maiduguri soon, though I'm writing a transfer letter, later today. I was given a week off because of dad's illness. I just pray they'll grant it. Because they'll be leaving in a weeks time, which is 6 days from now."

"I really feel bad, I wish dad a quick recovery, I wish them a safe journey and I pray you get the transfer. I'm sure dad would really want you to be by his side as his first son, and knowing dad, he won't allow you to leave your job and go with him. I pray you get it, but i'm going to miss you." I gasped at the last part.

Oh my God, Did I just say that out loud. It's been a month since we started talking and i've been getting more and more comfortable talking to him.

I confided in Habiba about it and she said I'm starting to like him, I didn't believe her then. But I'm starting to believe her now. I never thought this would happen, especially not this soon.

He still didn't say anything, maybe he's as shocked as I am.

"I'll miss you too wifey." He said at last.

Alhamdulillah we are on a phone call otherwise he would seen the blush evident on my face.

"Are you there?"

"Yeah." I whispered.

"How's your exam going?"

"Well, I wrote the last paper yesterday, Habiba literally cried. Oh! i'm so going to miss this girl."

"You girls are so dramatic, aren't you going to meet even after school, really?" He chuckled. "Here comes Ibrahim, say hi."


I could hear Ibrahim, teasing his friend before he collected the phone.

"Assalamu alaiki to the person that stole my friends heart that he forgot what he was sent to do but instead made a phone call to his 'girlfriend' or should I say 'wife'."

I laughed. "Wa'alaikumussalam to the person that I've been hearing wonderful stories about. Of how great he is from my 'hubby' to be."

What is wrong with me today?

"Oh really, well I feel flattered. I'm fine thank you, how are you and how's your exam going?"

"Fine Alhamdulillah. I'm done with exams, awaiting results."

"Best of luck dear."

I could hear Abdulmalik telling him not to call his wife dear. I smiled.

"Really, why did you let him call you dear?" Asked Abdulmalik, whisper yelling.

I could imagine him glaring at his friend.

"It was just a gesture or don't you trust your friend? Well, uh, you know what, go and do what you are asked to do. We'll talk later, bye."

He sighed before saying bye and hung up.

"When you are done chatting with your lover, get your ass off that bed, have lunch and meet me in my room."

I shrieked loudly. "Mom!"

She glared at me and left.

Oh my God!


Well, here I am in mom's room staring at each other awkwardly. I just hope she didn't hear our conversation, oh my! I hope she didn't hear the part where I said i'm going to miss him.

"Will you act normal young lady, I've been there before too, so there's nothing to be ashamed of. I just wanted to say I am so happy that you are finally getting to know each other, we are happy, your dad and i. I am really proud of you, just keep giving him a chance and you'll know that he's a great guy and you won't be disappointed with your outcome. And pray too, that's the most important part, pray and you should know that we love you. Come here."

I was crying by the time she was done.

"Mum it's even not even my wedding day yet and you are speaking this way." I said, hugging her.

We stayed like that for as long as I can remember before we heard someone clear his throat.

It was dad.

"Can I have a hug too?"

I stood up and hugged him, mum joined afterwards.

Oh I love them so much.


"Assalamu alaikum." We all chorused.

We are in Abdulmalik's house now, we left home after isha, his dad has been discharged. we came to greet him and also introduce me to the rest of the family officially, as their daughter inlaw, since they are all here.

I am literally freaking out!

Well, who wouldn't be? I am meeting my inlaws!

"Wa'alaikumussalam, welcome, come on in." Said a guy that looked exactly like Abdulmalik.

He left to another room, after some minutes, a maid came in with refreshments. A minute later, they all came into view, they look so perfect together. I pray his father gets well, he looks a little pale.

We exchanged pleasantries, introduced ourselves to his siblings or should I say chu chu introduced us.

He's such a talkative!

His sisters were like, oh my God, she's beautiful, this and that. They took me to a room I guess was theirs, we chatted, exchanged numbers and promised to communicate often.

They are so nice.

Abdulmalik came in afterwards, all my effort to stop them from leaving all went down the drain. After a long awkward silence.

We talked a little, he snapped pictures of me and then the both of us snapped. We looked so cute.

I was called afterwards, we were leaving.

We said our goodbyes and left. Back at home, everyone had a bath and retired to bed. A minute after lying down, my phone buzzed, I forgot to switch off my data, it was a notification from whatsapp.

I logged in and saw that it was a message from Abdulmalik. It read,

Hey wifey.

Have you gotten home safely?

He then sent a pic, underneath it, he wrote,

Don't we look cute?

I smiled and replied the messages.

And said to myself after a one look at the picture.

We really do!

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