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I got out of my car and moved swiftly into the office building. I'm late again. Ever since Zainab got pregnant, I have  been going to the office late. I always prepare breakfast for us and a little around the house before leaving for work.

I can still remember vividly when we discovered her pregnancy. She had gotten back from school complaining about a tummy ache, she had said that she was feeling nauseous, she also had been acting so lazy.

I had wanted to take her to the hospital but she said no, that she was just having fever and resorted to taking malaria drugs.

I had gotten back from work a few days after that and found a pack of onesie on my bed. I got confused, maybe some woman came to the house and forgot it here.

But, in my room. Zainab would never keep somebody else's belongings in my room. And then something came to my mind, was she pregnant? I had dropped my bag and rushed out of the room to her.

She had given me a cheeky smile immediately she saw me, before I could ask her, she nodded her head. I had given a piggyback ride that day. I afterwards took her out and we had fun.

When I told mum, she was so happy and shrieked so loud that I thought my ear would come off. She congratulated me and promised to visit soon, Aisha and Maryam included.

The good thing is, she got pregnant while they were on a holiday, Alhamdulillah. I don't know how she is going to cope with the pregnancy and school, but in shaa Allah, HE will make it easy for her. Another good thing is, she's in year three, second semester now. Well, let's just say, year four. She still has two more years to go. May Allah spare our lives to witness the end of it.

I got out of my thoughts and made my way to my office. I started working on the files I had left yesterday. I was still working on them when I heard a knock on the door and then it was opened. It was Ahmad.

"When did you how learn how to knock? Here I was, thinking it a gentleman that was by the door."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever, how are you? What's up with you? You've been coming late to work lately."

"Bro, our prayers have finally been answered. Alhamdulillah. I had wanted to tell you earlier on wallah."

"Masha Allah, congratulations bro. May HE give you a pious one. This is great news, Masha Allah."

"I know, right? Thanks bro."

"Don't mention please, how's she doing now?"

"She's fine Alhamdulillah, I had wanted to look for a house help for her but she said no. She said she was having all these pain because she was in her first trimester, that she'd be fine and handle everything herself after that."

"That was the same thing that happened with Munayya too, they're so stubborn I tell you. So, how do you cope?"

"Well, the cramps starts mostly in the morning, so, I make breakfast. But, it gets better later in the afternoon, she does the rest of the work then."

"May Allah make it easy for you both. And besides, what she's doing is part of exercise, it'll help alot."


"Alright bro, I'll see you at lunch time."

He closed the door softly behind him. I concentrated on my work again. Done with the files, I moved on sending emails and answering some.

I was done with everything in an hour. Checking the time, I saw that it was already 1pm. I left the office, stopped by at Ahmad's office and then we left for the mosque nearby to pray.

Done praying, we moved on to the restaurant to have lunch. His wife had travelled, so, he had to eat out. Done eating. We went back to the office. I called Zainab immediately I got in.

"Wifey." I spoke softly into the phone.


"How are you feeling now?"

"Fine Alhamdulillah, how's work?"

"Work is fine Alhamdulillah but I miss you and my baby."

She chuckled. "We miss you too. I'm preparing your favorite right now."

"Oh really! That's great. I'll be back home soon. Take care."

"You too habibi."

I hung up with a smile. I quickly finished off the last work I had for the day and left for home. I stopped at a restaurant and bought ice cream and chocolate for her. She had a thing for the duo ever since she got pregnant. I parked my car in the parking lot and emerged.

Sale greeted me and offered to help with the things but I politely declined. I pressed the door bell, the door was opened in some minutes. Zainab greeted me with a smile on her face.

She offered to collect what was in my hands but I stopped her. Her working while in this state wasn't what I wanted, but, I had to let her be because it was good for her health.

And also, her stubbornness.

She pouted and turned her back on me. I smiled and hugged her from behind.

"Please don't be sad wifey, you know I don't want you to keep working like this. Hmm?"

"But it isn't even heavy, allow me to carry it. Or don't you want me to get baraka?"

"I do, but..."

"Then let me have it."

I sighed. She won again, I handed her the things, she bent down slightly and collected it. I love that about her. We moved into the living room, she sat down on the couch, heaving a sigh.

She always does that, whenever she stands for too long. I kissed her on the forehead and moved to my room to have a shower. Done showering, I exited the toilet, wore my jallabiya, sprayed my perfume and left for the living room. We settled on the couch to watch a movie, she placed her head on my laps and closed her eyes. I caressed her hair softly.

"How are you feeling now?"

"Well, just a slight tummy ache."

"Sorry darling, what time are you taking your drugs?"

"By 8pm in shaa Allah."

"Alright then, May Allah make it easy for you. May we live to witness the birth of our little bundle of joy."

"Aameen ya rabbi habibi."


Good afternoon everyone, how are you all doing? I just popped in here to check on you guys and also do a little self promo. How are you enjoying DWC? Good, I hope. I also have two other books on my profile I promise you will love them too. One of them is just a preview the complete version is on Selar for 200 naira only, the link on my bio will take you directly to the book. Please patronize your fav author;-) don't forget to leave a review and share to your friends, thank you 🤍

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