Chapter 13

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Lincoln sticks true to his words

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Lincoln sticks true to his words. Much to my ongoing annoyance, we fly out at five-thirty first thing Saturday morning.

As much as I dislike the time, I'm not going to deny, the views look gorgeous as we land. The sun in the far east casts the lush summits in a soft orange and pink hue.

I take in the vast scenery with awe not even caring when Lincoln informs me we still have an hour and a half drive to his grandparents' ranch.

We await our luggage and as soon as we exit the airport, I can't take in the place fast enough.

Over an hour into the drive and I'm still so blown away by the beauty of Montana.

The green grass extends for miles upon miles and the mountains! They seem straight out of those Bob Ross videos I used to paint along to. Except they are real and way better than my painting whose pinnacles resembled more of an ice cream cone than anything.

I sigh contentedly, leaning my arm against the windowsill.

I think I just fell in love.

That is until a dark chuckle breaks the serene moment.

"You alright over there?" Lincoln snickers and I frown, "Would you mind? I'm having a moment here."

He chortles, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

I straighten in my seat and stare ahead at the long road framed by verdant pastures as Lincoln continues, "We've gotten quite a bit of rain this year from what my grandparent's told me. Like California, we've been suffering a drought for a while so having this weather is a Godsend." He grins widely, "The earth is vibrant with it."

"Right," I say because here we are talking about the weather. Classy.

Lincoln chuckles, "I always looked forward to returning home in the summers from Rice University."

I know it's immature but I can't help but bark out a laugh, "Rice–what? Please tell me you're playing a joke. There is just no way–"

Lincoln smirks, unfazed by my snickering, "I know it's a strange name but it's real. Search it up on your phone." I don't make a move to grab it and he shakes his head, a smile on his full lips, "I honestly couldn't believe it either. My grandmother thought it was a scam until one of the faculty called us over for a tour. You better believe she had questions."

I sink back in my seat, listening to probably one of the first civil conversations we've ever had.

"That's where I met Maxon, Luke, and Isaiah," he informs me. "It has one of the greatest architectural programs in the country and I was honored to be accepted. Even if it was unknown to me."

"Why didn't you go to school here?" I ask, "Montana is beautiful."

If I had grown up here, I wouldn't want to leave the state.

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