Chapter 24

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Lincoln: I'll take it

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Lincoln: I'll take it.

A few moments later the second message pops up,

Lincoln: Expect to be blown away!

I chuckle and hope to God it isn't literal.

I tuck my phone away feeling slightly giddy but mostly nervous.

I almost canceled on Grace after she texted me yesterday evening to remind me of our horse riding lessons.

I couldn't sleep trying to figure out what to tell Lincoln and also trying to see past his intentions.

Was I simply hard to get?

Or is it my mysterious vibe that drew him in in the first place and later on he finds out I'm not so interesting?

I now understood Madison.

When men that look like Lincoln pursue you, especially when he doesn't bother to deny his history with women, you can't help but be extremely wary.

But I'm not attached.

No, not at all.

Though that kiss yesterday was magical.


The breath of fresh air I never knew I needed.

I wish I could scold myself for being such a schoolgirl.

Even though my first kiss wasn't until college with Sean. And it felt nowhere near as good as it did with Lincoln.

I hadn't realized my fingers were slightly tracing my lips until Grace's voice nearly had me jumping out of my seat.

"I didn't think you would get up so early." She mused from the driver's seat. "Seven on the dot. I'm sure that's a lot for you." Her mocha gaze quickly flitters in my direction and I see a brightness in them. "Judging by your skittishness, you're halfway there."

I huff but smile, thanking God she blamed it on my slight drowsiness.

Freakin' Lincoln.

We haven't even gone out yet and he's already messing with my brain.

"I've been here three weeks and my sleeping schedule has been out of whack," I inform her. "I've never been an early bird but...the time is growing on me."

Just as Lincoln said it would.

"It tends to do that. Our new ranch hand, Dylan, has been here six weeks and he," She snorts, "You should've seen him the first few days. Arrived midday to his first day on the job. Much to Cody's annoyance."

"I take it Cody isn't all pleasure and fun times?" I surmise.

Grace shakes her head as we approach the barn. "Most definitely not. As fun as he is, he can be extremely uptight. Carsen is chill and laid back all the way."

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