Chapter 23

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My eyes glitter with amusement as I watch Trinity astride Arrow

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My eyes glitter with amusement as I watch Trinity astride Arrow.

Throughout the last couple of days, Trinity and I have explored a sizable chunk of the Grant grounds.

By now, I think she can handle getting on and off the horse on her own.

"I don't know if I can do this." She admits and I remind her, "I thought you didn't need any help. That, 'three days of observation was enough.'" I quote her.

She bites down on her full bottom lip. "It looked easier. You make it look so effortless!"

I chuckle, "Thanks for the sweet compliment. You really flatter me."

"What are you talking about? It's been over a week since I've gotten close to amicable with you."

"Hmm, once a week is nice enough for me."

We've sure had our bickering moments these last few days but they've stayed at a minimum.

I think we're making progress.

Good progress.

I extend a hand either way since I'm not a bad teacher and instruct her on how to get down.

Once she's steadily on the ground she says, "Luke and Isaiah would have a lot of inappropriate remarks on that statement alone."

My lips twitch, "I'm sure they would. Though they know better."

I remember the time I was getting shit from them after having sex every day for over a week straight.

I like to think they were just jealous.

"I'm sure they do." Trinity agrees, wiping dirt off her jeans. Finally, she meets my gaze and my breath stops for a moment, thoughts of past lovers fading away like smoke.

I haven't allowed myself to think about how close we got to each other after the Fourth of July party. I've kept things professional for the most part with a few slips here and there but seeing us now, with no one around for miles...

I gulp and glance away.

Lines can potentially be crossed.

I clear my throat, grabbing onto the back of my neck, trying to get ahold of myself. "You did a great job just now. You'll be a pro rider in no time."

Trinity snorts and as usual, her smile gets to me, setting off flutters in my gut. "I don't think that's the case. I still need practice but thank you."

She must see something in my eyes because she looks away, clearing her own throat delicately. Her gaze surveys the surrounding trees and finally the vast lake.

The heat has begun to increase since it's mid-July and I decided to show Trinity one of my favorite spots and best treasures of Montana to refresh.

The rivers.

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