Chapter 32

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The day before Lincoln, Grace, and I were due to fly out for the game, the Grants generously threw me a surprise birthday party

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The day before Lincoln, Grace, and I were due to fly out for the game, the Grants generously threw me a surprise birthday party. It was an intimate gathering with close family and something I clearly wasn't expecting.

I asked Lincoln if he knew about this and he merely grinned.

Later on, however, Grace mentioned that it was his idea. Mama Grant simply took care of the rest.

The news had my mind falling into a sort of limbo and I decided to focus on the issue at hand.

We were minutes away from landing in the state of Minnesota and Grace was snoring lightly beside me.

I peek over at Lincoln who tosses me a charming grin.

I smile back, bracing myself for the chaos of the crowds.

We won't be sitting with Madison and my mom since they will be in VIP with Mia but I, at least, will be with Leah, Liam, and Vanessa along with new friends I never expected. Lincoln and Grace.

We land with grace–no pun intended–and Grace jerks awake.

"What–what happened?" I chuckle lightly and Lincoln ruffles her hair.

"We've landed."

"DO NOT touch my hair." She warns him, trying to style it back into her effortless waves. "It's become very precious to me." She skims her fingers through her tresses and Lincoln peeks over at me with a raised brow.

"Whoops." I shrug sheepishly. Maybe she's been hanging around me a little too much.

We reach for our small duffel bags and I ask myself why I even bothered packing at all.

We are flying back tomorrow morning.

We exit the airport and Grace utters a small prayer and a shout of hallelujah as walk under a clear bright sky.

"Thank you Jesus for not letting us die! Thank you!"

I chuckle as a taxi arrives and we pop our bags in the truck.

We go over our itinerary for the day and Grace squeals in her seat.

She's got her game face on, black eye paint stripped on her complexion.

She's actually cheering for Minnesota but since she couldn't say no to a free ticket, she's cheering for New England just this once.

Personally, I don't care which team wins, and know that's bound to carry on throughout the game.

But if you ask me to pick, I guess the Patriots are okay.

"We'll check into the hotel then head on over," Lincoln says, and thank goodness he does.

I'm going to need to take a mini-nap to get through the boring game.


I awake to a knock on the door and Grace whispering, "Is it food?"

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