𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓

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              "I like you"

I walked through the streets at 7 in the morning... because I was called on patrol with some other hero's  but they didn't arrive yet. As I walked through the streets i heard some fans and what not, "it's so early for villains to be roaming around the streets i rather be in bed right rn" I thought as I continued walking around.

"I see they have you patrolling as well Mother Nature" a voice behind me spoke. It was endeavor the No.1 hero, "I guess I'll be patrolling with you then huh endeavor?" I say turning around to face him "don't forget about me kid" a very familiar voice spoke behind me. I mentally rolled my eyes as I turned to look at the one and only hawks.

"y'know you're only older than me by a year I'm not a kid" I stated walking pass him to continue patrolling. Endeavor was for some reason in the front while we trailed behind him, "woahh why the cold shoulder Ms.Nature" he said walking next to me. "Sorry I'm just tired it's to early for crimes to be causing anyone harm" I said stretching a bit, "why are we patrolling at 7 in the morning anyway what psycho is up at the hour".

"I'm just glad where patrolling together i missed you kid" hawks said with that stupid grin. "You saw me 3 days ago hawks" I stated as I saw 3 thugs trying to rob a bank in the allie, I quickly grew 3 branches out of the ground to catch all of them as I called the cops. "Iooks like I'll have to leave earlier than expected" endeavor spoke as he got into a car driving away, "Just my luck" I thought as I turned to hawks.

"So sweetcheeks it's just you and me" hawks said as I mentally face palmed. "Sadly let's continue this patrol shall we" I said as I walked ahead of him. "actually let's talk for a bit" he said as he grabbed my arm pulling me along with him, he pulled me into a small coffee shop and ordered a private table. As we sat down we looked at the menu figuring out what we wanted.

"So how's life treating ya kid?" Keigo questioned as he put the menu down. "Umm good thanks for asking". For about an hour we decided to get to know eachother better, we found some things in common and even started a debate at one point until we decided to get back to work.


"Have I ever told you how much I hate your hero costume?" Keigo asked. We've been patrolling for about an 4 hours now so we decided to settle down on a roof, "what? Why I love it" I said a little offended, "It shows too much skin sweetcheeks, I don't want everyone staring so hard" he said looking down at the citizens. "Well I can't do much about in order for my quirk to work affectively I kinda have to been one with nature so suck it up" I said looking at him, his blonde hair flying softly in the wind.

𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐊. 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈Where stories live. Discover now