𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟑

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"My world"


Some day in March

"I thought we agreed you'd stop seeing her" "No, we agreed to leave her out of this" "Sorry I just can't help it, she'd make a great asset everyone believes her no matter the problem" his scratchy voice spoke as I held my feather up to his neck, "why'd you call her?" I questioned pushing the feather closer to him. "I want to hear her voice, come on you can't really think nobody else is fascinated by the beauty of yours" I grunted my teeth pulling the feather back, "we made an agreement, I expect you to keep your end of the bargain" I began walking away until I heard that scratchy voice again.

"I'll keep my end, if you break her that is, just how much can we trusts you if you're not willing to put everything on the line??" He spoke making stop in my tracks, "if you don't I'll just pay her family a little visit... maybe even bring her father along" I bit back my tongue stopping anything I'd regret fly out. I balled my fist as I continued walking out, I heard him begin to laugh as I flew away.


"I was thinking we could go out someday, like I on a date," I spoke as she handed me a plate to dry, "ooo sounds fun, when?" "tomorrow night at 8" I couldn't get over what dabi had said a few days ago, he's been calling her phone more often under a foreign number, she wasn't aware, to my knowledge the only time she only answered his call once, I blocked his number and completely deleted any trace of him calling her in the pass. Once we finished washing and drying the dishes she went up stairs to take a quick shower, joining her is always an option but I made my decision.

"Keigo, are you coming?" She shouted from upstairs as I heard the water running, I smiled to myself at how needy she could be, "I'm coming sweetlips!" I shouted back as I made my way upstairs.

"I'll be right back!" I shouted as I walked out the door, I made sure to leave random suspicious things out hoping she noticed. I reached into my pocket taking out my phone, telling her to met me at the diner, "if this doesn't work then, hell" I spoke to myself as I made my way to the the elevator, I hate that I have to do this, but if I just ended things when everything was perfect she'd ask questions. It's better to seem like an asshole so she'll get over it quickly, or atleast grow to resent me.

I made my way to the front door soon flying towards a steel tower, I stood as I watched the city from above. I needed to kill time, I wanted some hours until I felt her blowing up my phone, I frowned while I made my way to the diner where I was suppose to met this "girl". I checked to make sure I was sharing my location, and I was, everything was going to plan. I stopped in front of the empty diner as I walked in to see a robot dressed like a chick.

I gave it a blank expression but it honestly looked convincing enough, "alright man, I owe you one" I sat down in front of it reminding myself to thank twice sometime.


The first plan didn't work leading me to hopefully tear her down another way, I had things I thought would work but I didn't want to push my luck, but at this rate I had too. "because you're nothing more than a play toy that's all you'll ever be to me, there's nothing special about you and i should've known that from the start" I shouted as she become quiet, I instantly felt regret seeing the tears threaten to leave her eyes, "you don't mean that..." she stuttered as "Please tell me you don't mean it!" She held onto my arms as u stared down at her shaken state, I  turned away from her as I walked downstairs.

I felt a tear fall from my eye as I quickly wiped it away. I opened the door to my apartment, it wasn't as welcoming as her, it was cold, bland, I haven't been here much since we started dating now this kinda just felt like a second home. I threw my shoes and jacket off as I made my way towards the kitchen taking the whiskey out of the cabinet, "havent down this in a minute" I opened the bottle immediately bring it to my lips.

Present time

"Keigo... keigo!" I faintly heard as I was half awake, I soon felt a pillow hit my head waking me up completely, "huh?" I questioned as I turned to see [Y/N] fully awake with a sadden expression. "What happened? Are you ok?" I was now wide awake as I sat up comforting her "it's just... umm" She stumbled over her words "when you said... that I was just a toy... you didn't mean it right?" She questioned look down at her lap.

"No of course not, I'm sorry, you're more than that to me, remember that" I placed my hand under her chin making her look at me, I placed a light kiss against her lips hoping it would calm her down in some sort. "Thank you" she spoke as she placed her head on my chest, "lets go back to sleep" "I can't I panicked so I'll be up for a bit" I responded as she wrapped her arm around me. "So can you just lay with me?" She questioned as I smiled at here, "Of course I'll lay with you"

I laid with her as I heard her light breaths hit my chest, I remembered all the things I was willing to do for her, even if it meant I had to hurt her in the process I couldn't bare to live with myself if she ever got hurt, She's everything to me, My world



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