𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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              "I'm here, everything's ok"

Abuse (physical/emotional)
Attempted rape

I cuddled up against keigo as I felt the cold breeze brush against my skin. I soon felt something soft wrap around me as I began to feel warmer soon falling back to sleep.... Suddenly someone burst the the door scream make me jump up , "WAKE UP BIG SIS ITS CHRISTMAS, EVERYONES WAITING DOWNSTAIRS" I turn to see it was Rin bouncing up and down, "I haven't been able to do that in so long so it's so exciting" he spoke as he checked the hall way, " by the way I'd hurry and get hawks out of your bed before Akio comes around" He said as he went downstairs.

I turned to keigo to see hes sitting up with his elbow with messy bed hair, "rising and shine keigo we gotta head downstairs" I said as I began to get up walking to my bag as I grabbed my toothbrush, I heard shuffling and soon footsteps as he did the same. I guided him to the bathroom room as we began to brush our teeth, I rinsed my mouth out as keigo was still half asleep, "keigo come one they're waiting I said as he quickly rinsed his mouth out.

I grabbed his hand as I lead him downstairs, we made it downstairs as we took a seat on the coach. "Glad you two could finally join us" Akio said as he was eyeing keigo "Now that I'm looking at it, you guys kinda look the same" keigo commented "Sorry i forgot to mention we're twins" I chuckled "I thought it was obvious, we just have different eye colors" Akio spoke.

"ALRIGHT enough with the chitchat, let's open presents" Rin shouted as he began to hand out gifts to the everyone but me and keigo "these are all from mom" "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything [Y/N] dear I didn't know you'd come home" my mom said a little upset, "it's completely fine mom i know it was a unexpected visit" I said as everyone began to open there gifts.

Soon it was finally my turn to hand out my gifts, "Alright my turn" I said as I began to pass out their gifts, I placed one in keigos hand as he looked a little surprised I smiled at him as I turned back to my family "I'm sorry da-" "it's ok [Y/N]" he smiled, "Alright guys open" I said as I smiled at them, Takara was the first one to finish taking the wrapping off of it. "OMG ITS THE ALL IN ONE MIXER IVE BEEN NEEDING, and it doesn't just mix it also adds coloring with just a click of a button and it has a timer so I won't need to constantly check" "YOU DID NOT!" Akio shouted as he stared at the box "ITS THE ROBO-ASSIS" "I know you're still a very busy business man so i thought I'd give you a little help" I commented.

I heard soft crying as I saw Rin holding his gift in hand. "Rin is everything alright? Did I get the wrong I'm so-" "no it so perfect sis" "by the way it's not just a watch it's also a journal that's voice activated and you don't need to be loud it can here anything as low as a whisper" "Sweetie... you remembered, I told you when you were just a little girl" my mom spoke as he began to tear up, everyone began to hug me as they admired their gifts. "Are you going to open your hawks?" Takara said as he quickly looked up, "oh yeah sorry" he took the wrapping off as he opened the box to reveal, "a watch..." he was silent "do you like it?" I asked a little worried he disliked it or was disappointed.

𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐒 | 𝐊. 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐈Where stories live. Discover now