𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

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             "I'll make it up to you"


"Stop being so dramatic I wasn't even gone for that long" I spoke as I leaned on the kitchen bar. "Well it felt like it" he whined as he stood in a black apron, chuckled lightly as I went around the bar. I creeped up behind him as I ran my fingers along his muscles "well I'm sorry I took so long, did I make you worry?" I snuck one of his hands in his shirt feeling his abs, he quickly turned around flustered still with my hand in his shirt.

"Kid it's a little too early for this dont you think?" He spoke shakily, "I guess you're right" I quickly removed my hand as I walked away. "Me and Rumi are going spending the day together and you're coming with" I shouted as I headed upstairs to my room.

I laid on my bed for a few until I heard a whole bunch of noise coming from the kitchen, and soon keigo came bursting through my curtains. He quickly got on top of me placing his legs under mine as he pressed his hard dick against me, he bent down towards my ear gently pining my arms above "you're gonna help me with my situation considering you caused it" he whispered into my ear "oh really?".

Before he could say anything they was a knock at the door and soon it just opened. "I didn't feel like waiting so I let myself in but I'll be down here" Rumi shouted, keigo groaned as he laid next to me. "I really wanted you to help me sweet tits" he commented, he stared at me for a second until he grabbed my boob. "Keigo" I whispered-yelled as he began whining, "[Y/N] please~".

He kept whining till I gave in, "fine just a hand job and that's it then we have to get ready" his face lit up and he nodded, I rolled my eyes a little as I sat up. "But you have to be quiet" "if you kiss me I will" he replied.


We were about to head downstairs until I realized something, "I forgot to mention she hates you right now" I whispered to keigo. He look a little surprised as I said that, "what? why? What did I do?" "I may have told her about you fucking me and then leaving me, then ignoring me" I told him shyly. "Well we're ok now... right?" He questioned I nodded "yes, yes we are".

He headed downstairs as he crept down behind me, "[Y/N], finally I thought I'd-" she stopped immediately as she saw keigo. She took a minute to piece things together until so pulled me aside, "why is he here?" "Because we're ok now, and he explained everything" She quickly ran next to him wrapping an arm round him as she whispered in his ear.

He suddenly stood up straight nodding profusely, "Anyway let's start this day" she spoke as she grabbed my hand walking to her car leaving keigo behind.

We arrived at the mall and I was immediately crowded with paparazzi after exiting the car, "[Y/N] where have you been?" "What happened?" "The public wants to know if the articles are true" that comment made me freeze "what articles?" I questioned as I used my heads to stop the flashing lights and photos.

"The article about your father abusing and trying to rape you during your visit home this Christmas" she spoke confidently, I stared at her a little confused as everyone continued asking questions. "Who told you that?" I questioned as the continuous flashlights became overwhelming, everywhere I turned was a light or camera. I felt myself beginning to hyperventilate from the memory I had so long tried to bury, I tried to push past the reporters and find Rumi and keigo but the flashing lights made it hard.

I suddenly felt someone pulling my arm dragging me out of the small crowd, everything still seemed so blurry. "Hey kid look at me, is everything ok? What happened?" I heard kegios voice speak, "They know, they know about what happened Christmas a-and I don't know how a-apparently there's an article but who wrote it? Who told keigo? I'm not ready for them to know about my family it's too much" I spoke quickly as he held me. "Hey calm down, deep breaths, look at me kid" he spoke softly I did as he said as I looked into his eyes.

His eyes were calming and warm, I looked around to notice we were on a roof of some random building. "Where's Rumi?" I questioned "She's distracting the paparazzi and reporters, we decided not to spend today outside and we'll just go back to my place" he spoke warmly. "No it's fine I can handle them I just wanna spend today with you guys" I pressed my body against his for warmth, "if you say so" he brought us back to the mall as the reporters began bumguarding me with microphones and cameras.

"So is what the articles are saying true?" She questioned, "I won't say because I haven't read them, but about my father yes that's true... I don't wish to speak on this topic any longer so don't bring it up" I joined Rumi and Keigo inside the mall as they continued to ask questions behind me, it was so bad the police was called.


"yeah well those big dumb feathers are dumb and unimpressive" Rumi commented like a child, we were seated in the private food area, we've been at the mall for about 3 hours buying unnecessary stuff and both Rumi and keigo kept arguing like children. "Yeah well I'll have you know my feathers aren't dumb and they're very impressive, I'll have you know I've been told by many people" he commented back as I watched them continue to argue in front of me.

I sat there drinking my milkshake as they continued, "you guys are acting like complete children" I stated as turned to me. "well I don't like the way he treated you, he'll have to prove he's actually sorry" Rumi stated as she crossed her arms, he had wanted to say something but he couldn't seem to "has he proven himself [Y/N]?". I stayed silent as I know what she was saying was true, he never explained to me what had happened between us and why he was avoiding me...

"Honestly she's right k- hawks... you actually just showed up to my house and told me how you felt" I replied. "Well I-" suddenly Rumi watch began ringing "oh shit I have to go, I'll text you [Y/N]" she left leaving me and keigo alone. "I'm sorry keigo, but she's right... you never told me why you became so distant" I stayed silent as he looked deep thought.

"You're right I never did tell you why or what actually happened that night" he spoke as he sat besides me. "I knew I loved you before we actually met, at that fucking party was when you came up to me I took my chance" he stared looking at his fidgeting hands. "I knew at the time you didn't have feelings for me and just being next to you was giving me hope so I thought if I avoided you they would go away, but they didn't" I finished as he looked at me.

"That night I went to a bar got drunk, met this girl, blah blah she took me to her place had sex but stopped mid way because I moaned someone else's name" he pointed at me as he smiled. "Then I couldn't do it anymore... I missed being with you, I missed you touch, your laugh everything about you... so I came back" he finished as we looked a eachother.

"But I'll make it up to you, tomorrow on you birthday" He smiled at me as I stayed silent. "I'm sorry for hurting you keigo" I spoke as I got up to hug him, he was a little a taken back but he hugged back. "It's ok promise, now let's get you home"



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